authenticate("U_TextCols, U_TextRows, U_Preview"); $Username = $user['U_Username']; // If user is a moderator, grab the mod perms if ($user['U_Status'] == "Moderator") { $modperms = $userob->get_mod_perms($user['U_Number']); } else { $modperms = array(); } !empty($user['U_TextCols']) && $TextCols = $user['U_TextCols']; !empty($user['U_TextCols']) && $TextRows = $user['U_TextRows']; if (!isset($TextCols)) { $TextCols = $theme['TextCols']; } if (!isset($TextRows)) { $TextRows = $theme['TextRows']; } // -------------------- // Authenticate the user $html = new html; if (!$user['U_Username']){ $html -> not_right ($ubbt_lang['NO_AUTH'],$Cat); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For security purposes we need to verify that this is user made this post or // if they are an admin or a moderator for this board. $Status = $user['U_Status']; // ----------------------------------- // Get the post info from the database $query = " SELECT B_Posterid,B_Subject,B_Body,B_Approved,B_Kept,B_Status,B_Main,B_Sticky,B_Posted,B_Icon,B_Poll,B_Convert,B_Topic,B_CalDay,B_CalMonth,B_CalYear,B_AddSig,B_Board FROM {$config['tbprefix']}Posts WHERE B_Number = '$Number' "; $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__); // ------------------------- // Assign the retrieved data list($Postedby,$Subject,$Body,$Approved,$TKept,$TStatus,$Main,$Sticky,$Posted,$Icon,$Poll,$Convert,$istopic,$calday,$calmonth,$calyear,$addsig,$Board) = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth); $Board_q = addslashes($Board); // --------------------------------- // Grab some info about this board $Username_q = addslashes($Username); $query = " SELECT Bo_SpecialHeader,Bo_StyleSheet FROM {$config['tbprefix']}Boards WHERE Bo_Keyword = '$Board_q' "; $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__); list($fheader,$fstyle) = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth); // ------------------------------------- // Let's see if they moderate this board if ($user['U_Status'] == "Moderator") { $query = " SELECT Mod_Uid FROM {$config['tbprefix']}Moderators WHERE Mod_Board='$Board_q' AND Mod_Uid='{$user['U_Number']}' "; $sth = $dbh -> do_query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__); list($modcheck) = $dbh -> fetch_array($sth); if ($modcheck) { $check = "true"; } } if ( (!$check) && ($Status != "Administrator") && ($user['U_Number'] != $Postedby) ) { $html -> not_right($ubbt_lang['NO_EDIT'],$Cat); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If this thread is locked and they are not a admin or mod they can't proceed if ( ($TStatus == "C" || $TStatus == "M") && ($user['U_Status'] != "Administrator") && ($user['U_Status'] != "Moderator") ){ $html -> not_right($ubbt_lang['LOCKED'],$Cat); } // ------------------------------------------------- // Here we need to figure out what stylesheet to use $mystyle = ""; isset($user['U_StyleSheet']) && $mystyle = $user['U_StyleSheet']; if (!$mystyle) { $mystyle = "usedefault"; } if ($mystyle == "usedefault") { $mystyle = $fstyle; if ($mystyle == "usedefault") { $mystyle = $theme['stylesheet']; } } // fstyle will now be a global variable to use in send_header $fstyle = $mystyle; // ------------------------------------------------ // Make the sure the edittime value has not expired $expired = $config['edittime'] * 3600; $current = $html -> get_date(); if ( ($current - $Posted > $expired) && ( ($Status != "Administrator") && (!$check) ) ){ $html -> not_right($ubbt_lang['EDITTIME'],$Cat); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Well everything checked out, doesn't look like a hacker so let's let them // edit the post. $html -> send_header($ubbt_lang['PEDIT_HEAD'],$Cat,0,$user); // -------------------- // Undo the markup code if ( ($Convert == "markup") || ($Convert == "both") ) { $Body = $html -> undo_markup($Body); } // -------------------------- // Get rid of the line breaks $Body = str_replace("
","\n",$Body); // ----------------- // Change " to " $Subject = str_replace("\"",""",$Subject); // ----------------------------------------------------- // Let's find out if they get the default preview or not. $Preview = ""; isset($user['U_Preview']) && $Preview = $user['U_Preview']; if (!$Preview) { $Preview = $config['preview']; } if ( ($Preview == "on") || ($Preview == "1") ) { $PSelected = "checked=\"checked\""; } // ----------------------------- // Signature added to this post? $addsigcheck = ""; if ($addsig) { $addsigcheck = "checked = \"checked\""; } $iconselect = $html -> icon_select($Icon); $instant_ubbcode = $html -> instant_ubbcode(); if ( $user['U_Number'] == $Postedby ) { $markeditselect = "


"; } else { $markeditselect = "

"; } if (($user['U_Status'] == "Administrator" || ( ($check) && $modperms['P_CanApprovePosts'] )) && ($Approved == "no")) { $approvebutton = ""; } else { $approvebutton = " "; } $changebutton = ""; if ( ($check) && (!$modperms['P_CanEditPosts']) && ($user['U_Number'] != $Postedby) ) { $changebutton = " "; } $deletebutton = ""; if ( ($check) && (!$modperms['P_CanDeletePosts']) && ($user['U_Number'] != $Postedby) ) { $deletebutton = " "; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // If this is a main topic they might be able to add/edit a public calendar event if ($istopic) { if ( ($config['publicevents'] == 1 && $user['U_Status'] == "Administrator") || ($config['publicevents'] == 2 && ($user['U_Status'] == "Administrator" || $user['U_Status'] == "Moderator") ) || ($config['publicevents'] == 3) ) { $checked = "";; if ($calday && $calmonth && $calyear) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } $addevent = " {$ubbt_lang['ADDEVENT']} "; $selectmonth = " "; $selectday = ""; $selectyear = "

"; } } // Can they add/edit a file attachment if ( ($config['attach_on']) && (ini_get('file_uploads') ) ) { $ubbt_lang['DOPREVIEW'] .= $ubbt_lang['EDIT_FILE']; } // --------------------- // Grab the tablewrapper list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper(); if (!$debug) { include("$thispath/templates/$tempstyle/editpost.tmpl"); } if ( ($user['U_Status'] == "Administrator") || ( ($user['U_Status'] == "Moderator") && $check ) ){ if ($Number != $Main) { if (!$debug) { include("$thispath/templates/$tempstyle/editpost_manage_move.tmpl"); } } } $html -> send_footer(); ?>