Posted By: amacin Working on me. - 08/01/14 11:51 PM
It's been 12 days since H said he didn't know if he wanted to be with me anymore. He said I'm not fun anymore and I'm never happy. He's right though. After our second child I completely stopped doing things for myself and completely focused on the family. I never realized how depressed I had become until he dropped this bomb.
I've been working with a db counsellor and my H and I are seeing a couples counsellor.
On aug 29 (our 8 yr anniversary) he told me that we are not a couple but he is willing to work on being friends again and see what happens from there.
I am trying really hard not to "bug" my H about if we will work this out or not. I'm trying to be hopeful but it is really hard at times.
Things I have done for myself:
Seen my doctor and am being treated for depression and anxiety.
Started an aqua size class.
Took a trip with just the kids.
Talking with a db counsellor.
Getting referrals to a counsellor for my own issues, stress management group, anxiety group, anger management group and a positivity group.
I'm also not texting my H almost at all (unless it has to do with the kids of course)
Not bothering him about where he is or who he is with.
If anyone has any other suggestions of things to do I am very open to trying anything.
I miss my H like crazy (even though he's still in the house)
Thank you.
Posted By: Cadet Re: Working on me. - 08/02/14 12:54 PM
Link to your thread in newcomers

Posted By: not4me Re: Working on me. - 10/01/14 12:26 AM
I would suggest focusing on you. Fix all the things about you that you don't like anymore. Nobody can really love you until you can love yourself. I don't mean a self centered love with yourself but being happy with who you are and what you've become.
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