Posted By: HunterFox Divorced ? Really ? - 03/12/06 04:25 AM
My W says we are divorced. There has not been anything done legally. I look at us as married and trying to work things out even though she has no desire.

When is a divorce a divorce?
Posted By: Just_Me Re: Divorced ? Really ? - 03/13/06 05:24 PM

When is a divorce a divorce?

All semantics. She's probably right; she's emotionally divorced from you, even if she's not legally divorced. But in the end, it's just a piece of paper that says you aren't married anymore. Your W can't see a future with you, but she can't see into the future so there is always a chance. I'm what you call legally divorced, but I live with my XW and we do everything that a married couple does, including love each other. She felt the same at one time, emotionally divorced, and went ahead and pushed through a legal divorce. Now she feels married. Go figure.
Posted By: Rere Re: Divorced ? Really ? - 03/15/06 05:59 PM
Hi Just Me,

My WAH also wants a legal D. He met someone online who he no longer sees.

We've done this before many years ago, then remarried. He says we don't take one another for granted so much when we are not married and "sure" of one another.

He's filed with a collaberative attorney, I will use a reg lawyer, so he'll have to find another atty.

We see one another and date. It takes a year of separation in our state. It's been 10 months. He's still looking for his souldmate. I have a bf.

As far as when are you divorced? It's all subjective. We are what we believe.

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