Posted By: Tiara Boy (CM) Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/28/08 04:40 PM
Hello family!!!!

My it has been a while. A long, long while.

I still keep in touch with some of you. Some might have thought I fell off the face of the earth, while others might hope I keep to myself.... hehe

Life has been fairly good to me. New Job (same company), great kids, loving family and friends, amazing gf (yes it is still Val) and enough things to keep me busy until next century. That is the good news.

The bad news is my ex is using drugs again! She admitted this to me on Monday. She had been looking skinnier and started missing her pick up times for the kids the last 2 times she was supposed to do so.

I'm not sure for how long, or exactly what, but I do know that the kids will be living with me for a while. I have informed her of this and also I have spoken with her parents.

Her parents had been planning to come down and visit this week to see the kids and CL. Now they just stepped into a big world of poo poo. I told them that they are more than welcome to enjoy the kids and keep them, however I did not want them left alone with CL. They are very understanding of this. So this morning I dropped the kiddos of at CL's house to spend some time with their grandparents.

CL's dad and I had a long talk about my plan of action. I plan on getting full custody (hopefully only temporarily) and he was in total agreeance. He feels that the the only thing that matters is the kids safety and well being. That is what I'm looking out for. I'm glad we can be on the same page and he thanked me for my stability and care for the kids.

Crosby just thinks her mom is sick and knows she will be spending more time with me. Caeson.... well he only cares about eating and throwing balls.

I have spoken with my atty's para and she told me about some forms I need to fill out. I went to the courthouse this morning and they are of no help. Basically I have to get the forms from my atty or from online. The para is supposed to call me back and tell me what forms to use to start the process since I am unable to get into my atty for over 2 weeks.

FL is such an F'ed up state that to get emergency custody I have to wait. I have to pay money and jump through hoops in my panties to keep my kids safe. Where does that constitute and emergency? That is like calling 911 and the ambulance is a dog sled team who has to wait for the snow before they can leave the station.

I am not doing any of this out of anger or spite. I am doing this just to protect the kids. It is funny how I could be so angry towards CL over all of this, however I know that anger is only a surface emotion that is covering my fear, sadness and hurt.

I'm scared on how this will effect the kids. I'm sad that they can't spend as much time with their mom. And I truly do hurt for CL. I know addiction and it can be so powerful and painful that a person would almost rather die, than live with the guilt and shame that come with the aftermath.

So... here I am. Still pantless and as sexy as ever.
Posted By: Jen_Jam Re: Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/28/08 05:05 PM
Blimey O'Reilly!!! Thought you had slipped off the face of the earth, or maybe licked one too many things you shouldn't have!! ;\)

Sorry to hear about CL, but it's good she has admitted to it. I really do hope she can overcome this. I know addiction too, and it's hard to hold up your hands and say "I need help". I know you'll do all you can to keep the impact of this on the kiddos to a minimum.

Take it easy BirdLicker \:\) Laters geez!!!!
Posted By: Rob1231 Re: Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/28/08 05:43 PM
Hi CM! I'm so glad to hear life is treating you well for the most part, and it's great to hear that you and the lovely Val are still an item.

I know you'll do what you need to for your kids - they are truly fortunate to have a terrific, dedicated dad like you. Sending many good vibes your way!
Posted By: fig Re: Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/28/08 06:02 PM
licks to you!!!


good luck with the custody stuff...
courts suck azzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted By: Trip Re: Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/28/08 07:45 PM
Couldn't believe my eyes here. Welcome back.

You know in reading your post, I think you get that being angry towards CL would get you nowhere fast. I think you are doing your best and handling everything really well. Knowing that the kids come first, I think keeps everything in focus. Anyhow, good luck with everything and I really hope for her sake and the kids sake that CL turns things around.

Glad you have the support of family and Val.
Posted By: FA Re: Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/29/08 01:18 AM
Wow....Tiara Boy.....what it be!
Posted By: sofaraway Re: Tiara Boy is ALIVE!!!! - 03/30/08 02:17 AM
Hey Ty, glad you chose to come back here and share this stuff. You moved on, but knew where to turn when need be.

Your handling this all very well and I know just how hard this is on you.

Do what you need to do for your kids, be the man you are with your ex, compassionate and caring. This will all work out in the end and you and your kids will be ok.

I love you dude,

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