Posted By: swashy Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/20/08 02:09 AM
Last one:

Hey all! Hope life is treating everyone well.

Had a great day/night yesterday. Was pretty much drinking the whole day. LOL. It was P's B-day. We were going to grab some breakfast but she got hung up with some stuff so we ended up grabbing lunch instead. Of course we had a couple beers with lunch...and then headed to another place...she had a couple martinis I had a couple margs...woohoo. We had a great time. Laughed our a$$es off. She made a cd of like early 80s disco so we were dancing in the car the whole way home.

She dropped me off around 4pm...got a few things done and then I ran over and grabbed her at 6:30. She had a made a copy of the CD for me...aaawwww. We picked up a friend of her's and met some of her other friends at a bar. Of course, as alwasys, everyone was all over us about if we were together or not. So fun messing with them. LOL.

From there we hit another bar for some dancing. Two of her friends were really cute and so I was out dancing with them a lot. FUN! ;\) Dropped her off around midnight. Just a great night.

Met her for breakfast this morning and then she went to NH to go skiing with some friends. So I had a lot of fun with them. Nice to get out and let loose. I love meeting new people like that. Just so much fun.

I was pretty tired today so I hung low most of the day. Just went groccery shopping and may watch a movie.

I usually have the kids on Sunday but she does this week because her schedule changed a bit...so I get to go out and watch the Pats game!!! WOOHOO. Psyched for that.

STBX and I are getting along fine. She had a hair appointment this week so I told her I'd watch the kids so she could go..she seemed to really appreciate that. She watched them last week so that I could go to my C appointment. So I thought that was fair.

Oh yeah...got an email back from a guy about a job. Need to talk to him on Tuesday..so we'll see. And my buddy said that there are a couple of bike rep jobs open...which could be interesting. May need to check that out.
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/20/08 05:41 AM
sounds like a very good weekend, scott! \:\)
Posted By: SuperDad Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/20/08 03:30 PM
Bike rep job would be totally cool! I was looking at Felt tri-bikes this weekend. Oh my! I never knew that I needed at $10k bike before. For now, I think I will just buy the aerobars for my road bike, lest I push W over the edge!

I think I will get on the trainer today since I caught a cold and it is bitter cold here, you know high of 60! ;\)
Take care, SD
Posted By: SuperDad Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/20/08 03:32 PM
Here's the link:
Felt Tri-bike
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/20/08 03:39 PM
Sweet ride buddy! If nothing else you will look fast! ;\) I forgot that slipstream is riding them this year. Yeah I've been fighting a cold too. My bike is on the trainer too. May have to actually get on it. Hmmm 60 ay? Ummmm...yeah we're not breaking freezing this week. Hope the Chargers enjoy it today!!!
Posted By: care Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:18 AM
Woo Hoo, Pats won. The SuperBowl party should be a good one.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:32 AM
Woo Hoo is right Care! ;\) Wish you could come but you'll be having WAY more fun. ;\)
Posted By: Rob1231 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:02 PM
So where did you watch the game, Scott? It looked pretty cold up in your neck of the woods yesterday (but Green Bay looked even colder!)
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:26 PM
Hey Rob! Me and a buddy went to one of his friend's house. Pretty low key but not bad. Free food and beer! Woohoo! Ummm yeah. Cold is right my friend.
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:36 PM

You think you had it cold?????

I needed to randomly go start my car every so often to make sure it could still runnnnnnnnnn

sounds like a fun weekend

I just sat around the pool and hot tub

life is rough!!!!

Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:55 PM
I said cold not frigid puddle. ;\) ick.
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 02:57 PM
every night my kids each pick a story to read for bedtime. last night was toot and puddle night...they all picked toot and puddle stories, for some reason, and I couldn't stop laughing because I thought of you two.

the last one was the christmas one, and omg, they were going on and on about toot's lucky nut. I almost peed myself.
Posted By: shoeprincess Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 04:29 PM
morning Scott! Giants are going to the Super Bowl!!!!! YAY!!!

sorry just had to shout that out at ya! ;\)
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 04:59 PM

You have a lucky nut????

Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 09:22 PM
Key there Shoe is the word "going". ;\)

I'm pretty sure that both of mine are lucky Fig. ;\)

SO...picked the kids up from STBX around noon today. Have to say they were calm and in a good mood. Usually they are bouncing off the walls. I had asked her to give them baths...which she did this morning. AND she told me that they were going to go somewhere this weekend but didn't because D7 was acting up. But she stuck to it and didn't fold. And she said that D7 was better the rest of the weekend - I suggested that is was probably because she stuck to her guns. All about setting boundaries.

Pretty impressed truth be told. Hopefully it can continue.

Other than that...not much. Applied for a bike rep job this morning. He emailed me back....so keep your fingers crossed. Not sure what the pay is like...but could be a pretty cool job. Something I think I could really enjoy.

Took the kids to the arcade for a bit (cold out), rented a movie, etc. And it's TACO NIGHT! ;\)

Hope everyone is doing great. Oh yeah and I got an incredible email from H today. Just telling me how great I am and how lucky she is to have me as a friend. Nice stuff.
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 09:29 PM
well I am glad they are both lucky....

I would hate for one to feel left out!!

Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 09:30 PM
Hey Squishy!!!!

They did it! Perfecto!

Today I went shopping and I had 3 different cars honk at me. I couldn't figure out why until my girlfriend said, "I bet it's because of that dumb a$$ decal that you have on the back of your car." DUH. I have a huge Magnetic Pats logo on the back of a very white SUV. Yeah, that might have had something to do with it!

Wicked cool!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 09:37 PM
I'm always sure to include them both in everything I do. ;\)

BETHIE!!! No, no, no...they haven't done ANYTHING yet. One more to go kiddo!!!

So were the waving with one finger too? LOL.

Wicked pissa baby!
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 09:54 PM

I'm alll ready faw my suppa bowl Pahty.

Of couse they cahn't lose. They ah winnahs. They've come this fah and I fully expect them to win the whole shootin' match.

We ah gonna' have the last lauf..............
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 10:40 PM
I still need to make the chowdah and make a packie run to pick up the beah but otherwise i'm pissa.
Posted By: shoeprincess Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/21/08 10:51 PM
ok you two... May I remind you that the Giants were the only team this season to give the Pats a run for the money a few weeks ago. Should be a wicked cool game !!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/22/08 01:32 AM
Well they were not the only team Kym but in the end the Pats got the job done 17 times..so far!
Posted By: SuperDad Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/22/08 01:39 AM
Originally Posted By: swashy
Well they were not the only team Kym but in the end the Pats got the job done 17 times..so far!

Pretty sure it's 18! Some fan you are!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/22/08 01:55 AM
Lol! It is 18 now isn't it. Guess I lost count. ;\)
Posted By: sofaraway Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/22/08 02:28 AM
and remember swashy, they beat my giants by only three points and my giants pulled manning, jacobs, toomer, and burress in the fourth quarter.....

Should be a good game... I will take the Giants and the points for a twelver.......

Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/22/08 02:33 PM
Not so sure I like that spread buddy. I really don't think they are giving NY enough credit frankly. AND did you hear that Brady was seen in a walking cast yesterday. hmmmm.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/23/08 11:29 PM
Hey all. Not much going on here. Met P for coffee this morning. She's been debating of whether she wants to go back into Real Estate or not. I listened for a while as she went on and on about reason for and against it...she finally turned to me and just said "tell me what to do".

It was then that it hit me. She is standing in her own way. She ALWAYS second guesses herself. Debates everything over and over. So I gave her the whole "trust yourself to make good choices" speach. She was like "OMG, you're right". She was pscyhed. She's going back into Real Estate. Decision made.

Then I went to Ikea with S5 and picked up a few things for around the house. Otherwise a pretty relaxing day.
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/23/08 11:51 PM
I LOVE IKEA! The problem is I go in for onething and come out with 10. Everything is so cheap! Cool!

Some people just don't feel they can trust themselves and need a sounding board. Sounds like you were a good one because besides listening you also give advice. You should hire yourself out!

I agree with you Squish....the Pats had better be taking the Giants seriously. They played a great game the other night against the Packers. Besides, they're hungry and it shows.
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 01:06 AM
ooooh...ikea. I have only been once, but would love to go back. was a little scared because we took the kids on a saturday not long after they opened.

good for you with P. definitely sounds like you were a good sounding board without answering the question for her.
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 01:19 AM
Hey where is the IKEA by you? I may have to hit it when I'm home.
Posted By: sofaraway Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 01:26 AM
She ALWAYS second guesses herself. Debates everything over and over. So I gave her the whole "trust yourself to make good choices" speach

You should write down that speech ( not speach ) and read it to yourself when needed......

She was pscyhed

Dude, I don't know what is keeping you from sleeping and making you so punchy lately..... never mind....yes I do..... but you need sleep man......... Man cannot live on food, cellphones, and ipods alone...... tu sabe?????

Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 03:09 AM
Thanks guys. Yeah Ikea can be a dangerous place for sure. Bethie its in Stoughton down off of Rt 24...right next to Jordan's. Ring a bell?

Nice Ian! LOL. Ya know typing on this little keyboard doesn't help!!!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 03:51 PM
Very interesting article:


Hell I'm surprised I'm getting a D at all. According to this - with the amount of emotions she has swallowed - I should be a widower by now.
Posted By: care Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 05:41 PM
really interesting article. thanks for sharing..
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/24/08 06:10 PM
hey Toots!!!!

i have nothing important to say



Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 08:21 PM
What's up Puddle? My kids were reading it the other night actually. Heehee.

Went out with my buddy last night. Just hit a local bar. Ran into one of Ps friends. Had a good talk with him. He's doing the hard work that he needs to be doing. Taking a long hard look at himself and fixing what he wants to fix. Not sure how things will work out with them. I hope to God they do. BUT..he'll be ok either way I know that much. And I think he does too.

Had a cute little blond checking me out at the bar...heehee. Always nice. ;\)

Oh yeah...and they went to my C the other night. They both liked her so that's good. I think she's amazing. Actually H went to see her yesterday and got a ton out of it I guess. Guess we're all just wacked. LOL.

Ya know...i'm not sure but I don't think STBX is going to her's anymore. Maybe she is. I don't know. But jeeesh...if there is anyone who needs to be going....anywhooo.

My S5 had a play at school today. STBX was there with her parents. Haven't seen them in a while...so that was a little weird. But whatever. I just loved on my S. He did great and was SO cute. He was sitting at a table having some snacks with his buds afterwards so I went up and said goodbye to him. I turn around and STBX and her parents had already left. Not sure how you leave like that without saying goodbye...but whatever. Don't get me wrong...she loved on him when he was done...but I don't get the whole goodbye thing with her. Whatever.

Ummm...going out for a few drinks with P tonight. Gonna be an ealry night though. Gotta grab S8 in the morning for his basketball game at 8am...ugh. Then I've got them for the next 4 nights. Going to bring them to my parents for dinner tomorrow night.

So..all is good. Haven't done much the last couple days on the job front. Gotta get back on that. Not really sweating it though.
Posted By: KristyS Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 08:28 PM
So, what are ya gonna do when you run out of "letters"? Are you gonna assign them a 3 digit code or something? LMAO
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 08:44 PM
LOL. Guess I'll cross that bridge if and when I get there. ;\)

Glad to see you back on the boards babe...and doing well.
Posted By: KristyS Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 09:10 PM
Did ya miss my sense of humor? \:D
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 09:15 PM
hey scott,

the play must have been soooo cute. sorry your stbx is an ass, but at least she was all over your s, so that is something I guess.

glad your ic is working out for others, too. its great when you find someone who really helps, isn't it? I love mine so much I almost wish I knew someone who needed one.

have fun with P tonight! hmmmm...am wondering what blondie's initial is. hehehe. might have been that elusive x.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 09:53 PM
Totally Kristy! LOL.

SO cute M. SO cute. I just sat there with the biggest grin on my face the whole time.

Actually while we were sitting there her mom said one of her typical backhanded comments to STBX about something. Not a big deal but it was just this moment of "oh yeah...I really do not miss all of that". Ick.

And how boring! You need more F'd up people in your life...they add color. ;\) Yeah...blondie looked pretty high maintenance. No thx. But good point on the X....never know when you will run into Xena Warrior Pincess. ;\)
Posted By: Rob1231 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/25/08 10:10 PM
I think you can reserve "X" for nutso STBX and use the rest of the alphabet for the remainder of the world....

Have a fun weekend! \:\)
Posted By: Rob1231 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/26/08 01:58 AM
Hi Swash!

W (who is in marketing and doing a 'viral video' project) showed me this - thought of you immediately!

Don't Try This At Home!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/26/08 03:57 PM
OMG Rob - that was painful to watch!!! ;\) It took a few good hits at first. Too funny.

So P and I went out, grabbed some dinner, some drinks and had a great night. We just crack each other up. Then we ended up hitting a bar closer to her house and met up with a friend of her's. The two of them are pretty funny together.

Didn't get much sleep unfortunately but doing ok. Had to have S8 at Basketball at 8am. STBX had him up and ready at 7:40 when I got there. I was a bit surprised. Kinda figured I'd be waking them up. So kudos to her.

Then signed him up for football. It's a lottery. Sounds like it's a 50/50 chance at best. Bummer. He REALLY wants to play. We'll see. P signed her son up too.

STBX is taking the boys to skating lessons in a bit and D7 has Brownies. I may try to sneak in a nap and then I'm taking them to my parents for dinner.

Pond behind the house froze up again...may take them skating on it later too...we'll see.

So nothing too exciting. Hope everyone is good.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/27/08 11:24 PM
Lets see....S8 is third on the waiting list for football. The woman who left me the voicemail thought that was pretty good and he stood a good shot at getting in. So we'll see I guess.

Went to my parents for dinner and had a good time. D7 has had a cold lingering for a while. Seemed like it was getting better but last night she was sniffling up a storm. Well I wake up this morning and she is crying in pain..her ear hurt. Ugh. She threw up twice. I texted STBX to let her know...didn't hear back for an hour..but whatever. I called the Doctor's office and got her an appt. STBX finally came by with some Tylenol - did the trick. An hour or so later she was bopping around the house. STBX offered to take the boys while I took her in but I told her I'd be fine. My day...my problem. Don't like feeling as though I need her for anything...cause I really don't anymore...not sure I ever did actually.

Brought her in for her appt...sure enough...ear infection. So picked up her antibiotics and a couple of movies. All are up in my bed watching one right now. So...pretty back to normal i guess.

S5 switches to afternoon K tomorrow. Kinda like him going in the mornings...but maybe we can go grab some breakfast or something.

I don't know...not much to report I guess. Just life. \:\)
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/27/08 11:50 PM
Oh yeah...one thing that did break my heart today. D7 wanted some alone time with me so she came up to my room and we just snuggled and watched the x games.

Anywhoo...she started in on "I don't do this with mommy, only you". I ignored it the first time she said it...just don't want to make a big deal out of it. But she repeated it...so I said: "well maybe you should. I bet she'd like it". She responded with "she's always too tired. She's usually just laying in her bed".

Ugh. Now I know I don't have it as bad as someone like Ian..so i don't want to complain too much about it. I know she loves them. I know they love her. But I felt like she was getting out of her depression. And maybe she is...but sh*t like that just reminds me of the last like 3 or so years when we were together. She would lay in bed all day. Did NOTHING with the kids. It was horrible. And I think she's a lot better...but still. Ick. Just makes me a little sad.

But OMG...maybe...just maybe...I WASN'T the cause of it all. HA! ;\)
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/27/08 11:58 PM
hey scott,

glad you got the meds for D7. good job not messing around and getting right in there. and yay for peds who come in on sundays!

my town does not do the switch for k, but my friend one town over does and it is kind of a pita, but I'll bet you guys will have some good am bonding time. mmmm...breakfast.

that is really sad about D7. you are a great daddy...nice that she has you. hopefully they are greatly exaggerating your w's laying around. although sounds like it is something she used to do, so maybe she is slipping back into depression. that is tough. not sure, are you going to say anything to her about it? I know its not really your job to, but I guess since it might pertain to the kids, I just don't know.


take care.
Posted By: forever21 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/28/08 06:57 PM
You're the bestest dad, S. \:\) Hope you're having a great day!!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/28/08 07:42 PM
Aaaawwww thx J!!! ;\) And I am having a great day Hun. Thx!

Not sure M. Asked D7 a little bit about it last night. Which I hate doing. But if I go to STBX she'll obviously get defensive and lie but I also want to make sure that my children are not being neglected either. So I made sure to only ask her a couple of questions and it doesn't sound too bad...thank God. Its one thing to take a nap if the kids are watching a movie or something but she lives on a pretty scary river and I just want to make sure she is being attentive when they are outside and it sounds like she's doing ok in that regard. So I'll probably let it drop.
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/28/08 07:47 PM
Toots...you could drop them off in life jackets...

just sayin'

Posted By: Lissie Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/28/08 07:54 PM
I don't understand the napping.

I don't nap. I especially wouldn't nap when the YOUNG kids are awake.

I will just try to be understanding, and know that the napping is part of the depression. (blah, blah)

Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/28/08 08:02 PM
Lol Puddle. That would go over real well!!!

I know Bean but that's because you are an amazing mom. Smooch!
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/28/08 08:09 PM
water wings????

give them each a wake board and attach it to their back

i love naps...
the hardys even did laundry while I snoozed this weekend (wlthough I was pretty sick..I think they were worried about making it on their own!!!! )
Posted By: galing Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 01/29/08 01:41 AM
Hey S2h,

Just wanted to drop in and say hello. I'm sure you are having a normal night of making the ladies swoon and being super dad. \:\)

Posted By: big_tuna Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/01/08 05:43 AM
swashy...big tuna here....10 months post d for me...hanging tough....being the best dad possible for my two boys...sounds like you are doing well......god bless....BT
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/01/08 12:32 PM
fig, I love naps, too.

just stopping in to say, hey, scott \:\)
Posted By: Lissie Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/01/08 02:10 PM
Hey You!

Hope you have a Great weekend.

Posted By: sofaraway Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 02:26 PM
Swashy....oh swashy..... where for art though swashy......

Hope you are having a great time buddy.....

Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 02:51 PM
hey all! Having a GREAT time!!!!! Friday was my birthday and I've been living like a rockstar all weekend. Today is of course the super bowl and I've got to get ready for my party but wanted check in real quick. Life is good....really good!!!! ;\)
Posted By: Lissie Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 04:33 PM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great Super bowl partaY

psst. goo giants, smooch!
Posted By: Kman Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 04:50 PM
Happy birthday beeyatch!

Enjoy your big game...

Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 05:59 PM
Happy Birthday, Scott!!! have a great party tonight...wish I could have made it. \:\)
Posted By: galing Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 08:44 PM
Happy Birthday S2H!
Posted By: Rob1231 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 09:01 PM
Have a great unbirthday, Scott!!! \:\)
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/03/08 09:26 PM
Happy Birthday Squishy!

Hope you're having a Wicked Cool Day and many more!


Posted By: Jen_Jam Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/04/08 09:42 PM
Happy Birthday Old Bean! Hope it was a good one \:\)
Posted By: Fender Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/05/08 12:28 AM
Getting older isn't all it's cracked up to be! Congrats on your B'day.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/05/08 03:38 AM
Hey All!

Wow what an amazing weekend!

Don't really want to get into all the details but lets just say I had some wonderful company helping me celebrate my birthday this weekend. Truly an amazing time. This was a birthday that I will surely never forget.

The only downer was, of course, my beloved Patriots coming up short in their final and most important game of the season. But it was an amazing season all the same. I certainly feel like the Pats didn't play to their potential but I hand it to the Giants for coming up big and taking advantage of that.

So other than that I feel truly blessed. To be surrounded by people who really 100% love me, appreciate me and accept me for who I am. I also got my kids back tonight. God did I miss them!

So far...2008 is turning out to be an amazing year. I hope everyone is doing just as well. Now I need to pass out and try to catch up on some sorely missed sleep.

And yes Ian, I'll hit the packy and mail you your 12 pack. Bastaaad. ;\)
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/05/08 11:18 PM
hey scott,

glad you had an amazing weekend, in spite of the pats. I have never seen so many depressed people walking around as I have this week. its like the collective wind was knocked out of everyone. even my therapist seemed knocked for a loop. she said if it had been BC (her alma mater) she would have had to cancel clients for the week. as it was, it took her long enough to process the pats loss. lol.
Posted By: SuperDad Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/06/08 01:57 AM
Originally Posted By: SallyM
hey scott,

glad you had an amazing weekend, in spite of the pats. I have never seen so many depressed people walking around as I have this week. its like the collective wind was knocked out of everyone.

You Boston sports fans all need to focus on your blessings (World Series/Celtics) and let go of the Super Bowl!

It was actually, from a non-NY/NE fan perspective, a great game. Classic battle of titans. It was the first time in years I actually watched the game from start to finish and enjoyed it!

Sorry your Pats lost, but it was a great thrill ride!

Posted By: Rob1231 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/06/08 02:06 AM
Originally Posted By: SuperDad
It was actually, from a non-NY/NE fan perspective, a great game. Classic battle of titans. It was the first time in years I actually watched the game from start to finish and enjoyed it!

Sorry your Pats lost, but it was a great thrill ride!
I agree completely.

I do have to admit, I went into it not caring at all who won - but in the end, the poor sportsmanship of B.B. made me glad that the Giants pulled it out.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/06/08 02:56 AM
Was hoping for all three just too much to ask for?!?! C'mon! Yeah a friend and I were talking about how our kids simply won't be able to appreciate this. 2 World series and 3 super bowls. Man when I was a kid I took my Larry Bird days and I was happy with them! And I walked uphill to school in the snow both ways too damn it!
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/06/08 03:11 PM
wearing cardboard boxes for shoes


it was -66 and we liked it!!!

heya toots!!!
Posted By: forever21 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/06/08 03:22 PM

LOL. Times are a changing, eh?

Glad you had such a great birthday weekend and you're feeling so blessed. It looks fabulous on you, handsome! Life IS good.

Love, f21
Posted By: Lissie Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 02:06 PM
Hope you are feeling better today swooooooshy
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 03:07 PM
Originally Posted By: swashy
Was hoping for all three just too much to ask for?!?! C'mon! Yeah a friend and I were talking about how our kids simply won't be able to appreciate this. 2 World series and 3 super bowls. Man when I was a kid I took my Larry Bird days and I was happy with them! And I walked uphill to school in the snow both ways too damn it!

Yeah and we didn't have cell phones and ipods...we had to make due with 2 cans and a string!
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 03:28 PM
i remember doing that

what about those glass balls on strings that we clacked around

they don't make toys like that any more


lawn darts that really were like darts and probably would have gone through your skull if you weren't careful

and mercury thermometers


laying in the back window of the car on long trips
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 03:42 PM

what about those glass balls on strings that we clacked around

they don't make toys like that any more


lawn darts that really were like darts and probably would have gone through your skull if you weren't careful


Did you know that Lawn Darts were named the most dangerous toys of all time?
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 07:22 PM
I loved lawn darts! and my next door neighbor and I used to try to do the can/string thing. lol.

so many of these toys can still be found. I love going to cracker barrel and browsing the shop...they have lots of the old time stuff there.
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 07:26 PM
what about tying coffee cans to your shoes like stilts and holding the string and stomping around????

what can I say

we were poo' (not poo but poo'...can't even afford the r)
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 07:35 PM
fig, we had the fancy ones...the plastic ones that had the ropes attached already. I loved those, too!

off to do a search...I think my kids would get a kick out of them. mine tend to like low-tech toys as much as the more modern ones.
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 07:49 PM
omg, I'm perusing back to basic toys and found gnip gnop! anyone remember that one?
Posted By: Trip Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 08:07 PM
Happy belated birthday, Scott. Glad you had a great day.

This thread is bringing back the memories with all this lawn dart and balls on string talk. Man, we played dangerously back then!
Posted By: KarenMarieS Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 09:21 PM
Is that the one where you put the circle plastic thing on your foot , which was attached to a long rope thingy w/ a bell shaped red plastic thingy at the end and you would somehow spin the rope w/ your foot and jump over the bell thing???

Oh man that was fun! lol and quite a challenge in our Catholic school skirts!
Posted By: forever21 Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 10:22 PM
Oh yeah!!! Those were the days. I just played lawn darts last summer at a friends' party. Those things are dangerous. I understand why they outlawed them. ;\)
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 11:19 PM
Leave it to the guy to jump in with an SNL episode but this conversation is SO reminding me of this:


And why do you never see kids on Big Wheels anymore? Those things were the bomb!

BTW - Hey Trip!! Thanks for swinging by. ;\)
Posted By: BethM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 11:48 PM

That was funny! We should all be dead or at least be eyeless with the things our parents let us play with!

Oh yeah, whatever happened to Big Wheels?
Posted By: Trip Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/07/08 11:57 PM
Heh! Oh God! My dad would go crazy when some kid would be outside with their Big Wheels. He absolutely couldn't stand the sound of them on the sidewalk or road. Bet he was glad we were a little too old when they came out. Otherwise we would've had one or two. Anyhow, that is my memory with Big Wheels.
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 12:10 AM
omg, scott, I remember that clip! lol. sooo funny.

we never had big wheels growing up...noone in our neighborhood did. I remember really wanting one. I found out years later that some kid a few blocks away got killed on one (could see it in rearviews or something).
Posted By: Astimegoeson Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 01:54 AM
My Brother and I use to build stilts out of 2x2's and sell them to the neighborhood kids. Really easy to make complete with rubber grips thanks to Rubbermaid bathtub mats we would cut in strips and glue onto the wood. One of the kids in our neighborhood broke one of his ankles on a pair we sold him. Today, we probably would have been sued by his Parents.

We use to have races with them.... hilarious to watch. I'm surprised we didn't break our necks!
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 03:26 PM
what about sit and spins (not the phrase but the toy)

I used to try to do it standing up!!!!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 03:57 PM
they still make em Puddle! My kids had one. \:\)
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 04:05 PM
Hey Toots...I just shocked my students by bringing in an empty dishsoap bottle with a knottedpieceof kitchen-string in it. I squeezed the bottle and the string shot out and they were convinced I was soaking them.

the simple things

who needs all those toys that do all your thinking for you???
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 06:48 PM
That's awesome!!!! LOL. You must have fun on April Fools. ;\)

Well off to meet H for coffee. Really can't wait to catch up with her and hear more about how her mom is doing. Sounds like she has some good job leads for me too. She's so well connected. Good chica to have in my corner - no doubt.

Then I have a phone interview with a guy at 3:30. I talked go one guy which went well and now I'm going to talk to the guy who heads up their sales dept. Its a software company in Boston. The commute will suck but we gave a new train now and their office is right next to it.

Then I have a father daughter dance with D7 tonight. We are both SO excited!!! Should be fun. Sigh.

P wants to meet up for a drink afterwards. We'll see.

Did I mention that I have a nasty cold? LOL!

Hope everyone is good!!
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 06:54 PM
musinex toots...it has worked for me

good luck with the job leads

have fun at the dance!!!

Posted By: Trip Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 06:58 PM
Good luck, Scott! Hope you feel better soon and enjoy that dance.
Posted By: Exiled Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 09:22 PM
Originally Posted By: swashy

Well off to meet H for coffee.

P wants to meet up for a drink afterwards. We'll see.

I'd like to buy a vowel!
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/08/08 09:55 PM
Thanks Trip!

LOL Exciled! Hey if I take this job in town, I assume you'll meet me for an after work drink every once in a while....

Interview went really well. Amazing what a little confidence can do for a guy. Not to mention some amazing friends who really believe in you.

He talked about bringing me on as one of their Sr Reps. Asked me which territory I would want and what I would need to be successful. Think I got him thinking about a few things too. So we'll see but they sound like a good fit for me.

Off to the father daughter dance in a bit. Woohoo! ;\)
Posted By: Fender Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/09/08 03:08 AM
Woot on your job interview. Fingers crossed for ya.
Posted By: fig Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/11/08 04:16 PM
Hey toots

how was the dance?
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/11/08 09:36 PM
OMG - Dance was awesome! We had such a good time together. Only downer was at the end of the night driving back, she didn't want to go back to her mom's. But it was all good in the end. She had so much fun. Oh well that and getting stuck talking to this guy who is just a bit of an a$$ and I had to listen to him talk about him hitting the strip clubs (spending thousands in the "back room") and how he lies to his wife about it. ick.

But other than that?!?! Great! heehee. No really we had a blast together. At one point she was leading a congo line of like 75 girls. Too cute.
Posted By: SallyM Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/11/08 11:16 PM
scott, sounds like the dance was a ton of fun! how cute. \:\)

that guy sounds like a jerk...wow. yuck. gee, what a stud.
Posted By: swashy Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/11/08 11:19 PM
He's an a$$ and everyone knows it. How she has stayed married to him for this long I will never understand.
Posted By: Fender Re: Moved On and Doing GREAT! - 02/12/08 12:39 AM
Glad to hear the dance was so much fun for you and your daughter.

Sounds like that guy needs to get a life or at least a decent hobby?
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