Posted By: BethM C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/06/07 05:50 PM
Ok, I've had it. I gave you every chance to turn youself in but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So we're hunting you down like the dog you are (too much??ok)

WE MISS YOU, please phone home!

Bethie ;\)
Posted By: ALL6785 Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/06/07 06:29 PM

What cha doing buddy? Bethie, Jill and Karen are all on the loose, I could use some help here! Yee Haw!
Posted By: KarenMarieS Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/06/07 06:30 PM
Oh Good, I'm not the only one missing C2
maybe hes melted!!! C2, did ya melt??
Posted By: BethM Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/06/07 06:32 PM

I told him he shouldn't put a light in his butt!
Posted By: qoe100 Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/06/07 07:24 PM
Where for art thou, C2????

C'mon, you can't be out there gettin' a life without telling us, can you???

Sniff, sniff, we all miss you!!!!
Posted By: KarenMarieS Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 12:35 AM
Well its obvious to the most casual observer BETHIE must of said something to insult him!!! uh Jill?
Posted By: Briget Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 12:38 AM
I think he is on a long bike ride.Hope he is wearing his helmet.
Posted By: awaytolong Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 01:28 AM

hope C2 packed bottle water in his small backpack

your not alone boss man,
Posted By: BethM Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 02:24 AM
Man I hope he's not wearing that Speedo and riding his bike!


Was that a dig?
Posted By: Briget Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 02:25 AM
LOL that would be a ugly tan line.
Posted By: BethM Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 02:28 AM
I think I'll have to agree with Brig on that one! Speedo's, Bikes and helmut don't mix.

Either do tube socks, spiderman masks & helmuts but I think Kev missed that issue of Glamour do's & Don'ts.......
Posted By: Briget Re: C2H...What are you thinkin'? - 07/07/07 02:31 AM
They put out a Glamour book of do's and don'ts.Maybe we should get them one.
<slowly C2H dismounts his bike, takes off his helmet, adjusts his speedo, reaches for the keyboard and begins...>

See, you send someone an email and tell them you've been in a bit of a funk, and the next thing you know, you're being hunted down like a dog (not even a "dawg"), people are talking about a light IN (not on) your butt and discussing absurd tan lines as well as what might have been said that was possibly upsetting.

That's it! I've had it with this group!! I'm leaving, I'm going to... going to... ummm... I'm going to Romania!!!!

Now that everyone has chuckled at the absurdity of that statement, let me say it is actually true. I'll be going with a group from my church to do some outreach and ministry work from the 7/16 through 7/26. (More on that to follow).

Yeah, I shared with a little someone I've been planning on getting a thread started but I've been in a bit of a funk and put it on the backburner, so thank you each for the ribbing, I needed it.

Daughter's 16th birthday & 4th of July
Like each of you, certain occasions or holidays likely bring on the reminder that the D impacts everything. X had a big pool party for my D at her new home last week. My father said he wouldn't attend because he might say something he would regret but he would have a celebration for my side of the family. I did attend D's party but it was a reminder that life is now very different.

It was a year ago X was getting ready to move out and last 4th of July, I took the kids to a fireworks show while X invited OM (now Mr. X) over to our house to clean up some viruses on the computer. I later realized it was b.s. and the holiday reminded me of disrespect X showed me during this period last year. This year, son and I went to one of his friend's house but I was an outsider.

I see OM regularly and we are cordial to each other but I regularly wonder if I should consider a different approach.

Again, I know we each go through or have gong through this kind of ruminating and so I know I just have to keep "getting a life" and funks will be shorter and less intense with time.

Like I said, I'm leaving....
Romania, here I come!

As I mentioned above, I am going with a small group from my church to do some outreach and ministry work 7/16-7/26. There is a Christian organization in Bucharest that goes into hospitals to help care for abandoned babies and help find foster homes for them in Romania. My church has sent a team over the last several years. I felt the call to go over the last few months but hesitated and thought the opportunity had passed. (The woman who started the ministry is from California, was doing missionary work in Spain and then felt God calling her to Romania in 1994 where she has been ever since)

On my flight back from my reunion last month, I changed seats after the flight took off to get some elbow room and grabbed the last seat where there was only one person in that row. The young lady and I chatted later during the flight and, as it turns out, she was from Romania (I have never met anyone from Romania). When I got back to town, the church announced there was an opening to go to Romania but only if you had a current passport in hand which I did.

I do believe God wanted me to go from when the trip was announced some months ago but it just took me some time to get the message. The timing is also important because 7/15 is the one year mark that X moved out and recent reminders and day to day stuff have caused me to be in this funk. I truly have so much to be thankful for, SO MUCH! I also know, going on this trip will be but a drop in the bucket of care and help but it is something and I know I will come home so appreciative of the life I have in the United States.

As it was when I posted from Ground Zero in New York, I am reminded that each day is precious. That which we take for granted, life, family, liberty and even our standard of living are just a few of the blessings I need to treasure, moment by moment. This trip will be a reminder of the need to focus on what is truly important and it will be an opportunity to serve and love the fatherless.
Hello C2H
Hey I have been to Romania and did stay one night in Bucharest. Was there for 1 month doing some work with the Military on the Romania coast so I didnt get to see much of the country due to our work requirments. Hope you enjoy the trip, I'm sure you will love it.

hey the ladies have been teaming up on "ALL" so when you get back us men may need to come up with a plan, maybe one of those "men only threads"

Don't be in a funk. We all missed you and love you to pieces!!!!

Your trip to Romania sounds exciting and it's happening at a great time for you. However, I do think they have a very strict dress code there so you might want to pack a tie to wear with your speedo.

Anyway.....we all still have triggers that occasionally put us in a funk. Good news is, we're better at handling them, they're not quite as devastating as before and we move on faster. Don't get too down on yourself.
(((( C2))))
Well I am just glad you are ok and didnt melt.
We do love you C2, and need you here

Romania for real?? cool!! but come home ok??
i gotta run just wanted to get on the " we love C2 to Reseses Pieces" bandwagon.
C2 is going to run off with some Romanian gymnist(how the hell do you spell that)and we are never going to hear from him again.We are going to have to stop that plane.
Yes, but I'm more worried about him visiting one of those sad Romanian orphanages cause with his big heart he might never come back. Brig don't worry about the spelling. We can figure it out!
C2H, wow. How amazing is your journey. You are very giving. Once you are done working on you I am sure the blessings that come your way will be so abundant. You are an inspiration on how to turn a very painful year into a success.

I hear Romania has the biggest aligators in all of Eastern Europe, gas costs more than double and you have to queue up for hours to get a raw steak. Sounds like a place that needs C2H.

God Bless you C2H,


I'll remember to pack appropriately, I must make a good impression for the gymnasts Briget has me meeting ;\) . As for not coming back, well, the future Mrs. C2H is out there somewhere on the side of a bike path in the U.S., waiting for this prince to come galluping (sounds better than "riding") along on his white bike with bike tools in hand to save the day!! (well, my bike is not white, but that sounds better too!)

My friends, don't worry, "I'll be back," as my fearless Governator says. (Hey, did you all know that this is our California's state motto? We dumped "Eureka" for this more current motto- kinda catchy, huh?)


thanks for the encouragement and the kind words as well. One truth about "blessings coming my way" is that through each outreach or ministry service trip I have been on I have been the one who comes away blessed! On each of my trips within the last year, I have specific memories of events that took place that just humbled me and made me thankful for the life I have, even with the challenges of the divorce. So, I go into this Romanian trip knowing that as long as I maintain a servant's heart and remain flexible to unexpected challenges, I will come home blessed and thankful.


good to see you pop in! As you can see, minor "funk" notwithstanding, my posts are a bit different than when you first slapped me around last fall. Yours was a post that was a wake up call so you get some credit in helping get steered on to the path of healing.

By the way, my daughter is going on an 18 day tour of your lovely country. She's going with a group that organizes these types of trips for high school students. She's leaving this thursday and she is quite excited.
C2H, I check on you more than you know and you don't funk out that much. Pretty soon, funks will be a thing of the past for you.

In the early days, holding up the red "STOP" sign hardly worked. These days, it's a little gem. Stops funks dead in it's tracks.

I didn't slap you around and if I did, I'm sorry because all I ever had for your was compassion. You've been here for over 7 years and sometimes you just have to cut your losses and say I quit. That's the best place to be C2H. Maybe in our upbringing at some stage we were encouraged to equate quitting once with being a quitter. We know better now and it's just not true. It's a fact that in life, sometimes, we are dealt a dud hand. That happens.

Best quote I read this month "let go of the life that you planned to have so that you can lead the life that's waiting for you".

I can only conclude that to change your attitude takes a while and for it to translate to behaviors, takes even longer. But it's great getting there and you're not far from it.

C2H, how long is the tour of duty in Romania? My hope is that you are not too long away from your children.

God Bless,

P.S. I hope your daughter has a safe trip over and has great time.
I love ya, man!!!! Seriously, you're one of the kindest and funniest people I've ever known. Have you thought about "stand up comedy" after you've saved the world?

I can't wait for you to find your bike riding, butt lit, princess. Have you thought about joining a bike club? Not to find a princess, but because it's fun.

Anyway, hope you have a puter in Romania cuz we'd all love to hear of your adventures.
Maybe Mrs. Right will be in Romania?? now granted, she wont be a California Girl, but then again who is?? ;oD
Maybe you can pull a Angela Jollie and adopt a few Romanian babies!!

Whatever you do C2, make sure you are happy- you are an amazing man- don't ever forget that, oh heck, we wont let ya!!!
But a moment to post but will be back later.

Suit, only gone for 10 days. Your slapping was a needed wake up call, you know, like in the original Airport movie where everyone stands in line to "shock" the passenger to their senses with a wack to the face. (Love the quote of the month)

Jill, don't really think stand up, not for me but there's time to consider it, this saving the world thing could take a long time ;\)

Bike riding club? Hmmm maybe one day. I do know that my ears kind of perk up when I notice profiles of ladies who bike (still just viewing, haven't created one and still don't plan on doing so this year). Speaking of funny, you REALLY made me laugh with your comic timing and just enough words aimed at a certain someone on a post I read last night.

Karen, Mrs. Right in Romania, you never know. Romania has put a hold on international adoptions, last I heard, but I know other teams have gone and before you know it, an international adoption is in the works.

Me, I'm done with baby/child raising. I don't want to cheat my kids of my attention over the next few years (D will be in college but son has five more years before he goes on to college). When I start dating, I really plan on focusing on ladies who's children who are pretty much done with child raising.

Oh, thanks for the "amazing man" comment, I think we all have to deal with self doubt our X's may have helped to develop as a result of their rejection of us. Rediscovering how much fun we have with other people and finding that others like us just as we are (or once were) is an important part of healing.
Rediscovering how much fun we have with other people and finding that others like us just as we are (or once were) is an important part of healing.

Well actually that is another thing I've been meaning to talk to you about.

I'm really uncomfortable with that illuminated butt of yours. Oh and do you think you could ditch the Speedo? I think that about does it for now..........wheeeew!

Aside from that I like you just the way you are!
I'm really uncomfortable with that illuminated butt of yours.
Safety first!

Oh and do you think you could ditch the Speedo?
Thou dost forget, I am a modest and riding au natural is not my thing.

Thou dost forget, I am a modest and riding au natural is not my thing?

Oh no, sweet innocent Karen has been corrupted, sigh.
Oh no, sweet innocent Karen has been corrupted, sigh.

LOL its All, he has me all worked up!! Think I wanna Bonnie to his Clyde in the world of Debauchery!
Originally Posted By: BethM

WTH? I'm the one who hasn't been around. C'mon Beth, every bathroom wall in the CHI area has your name on it. Don't give us that crap about not getting around!!!! Jezebel!!!!
hmmm, maybe it happened by just being around the whole group?! \:\(
Originally Posted By: qoe100
Originally Posted By: BethM

WTH? I'm the one who hasn't been around. C'mon Beth, every bathroom wall in the CHI area has your name on it. Don't give us that crap about not getting around!!!! Jezebel!!!!

Only in the Chicago area??? SHOOOOOOOOOT!
Originally Posted By: KarenMarieS

Thou dost forget, I am a modest and riding au natural is not my thing?


at least I'm having an impact
Originally Posted By: KarenMarieS
Oh no, sweet innocent Karen has been corrupted, sigh.

LOL its All, he has me all worked up!! Think I wanna Bonnie to his Clyde in the world of Debauchery!

Cool! First raunch and debauchery and now corruption... life just keeps getting better! Woo Hoo!

Ah, the rantings of an X! I quote:

I have to tell you i'm really bothered by all this traveling and neglect of the kids.
But i will NOT poison their minds, God has blessed me beyond my thoughts, He's provided for MY NEEDS AND THEIRS...
Somethings will never change..

True, I have gone to Mexico on a 8 day missions trip last October and to Israel for 12 days in March for the trip I have wanted to go on for years but she refused to consider. Oh, I also went to my 25th college reunion at the end of May and now Romania from the 16th - the 25th.

Oh, I also changed careers at personal financial sacrifice to work from home and shuttle the kids to and from summer school last year and this year. I pick them up after school during the school year (unless daughter stays for practice which ends when X gets home).

I also am with my kids anytime they are available, went to every one of my son's sporting events in the last year and was team taxi at my son's school for field trips, games etc. I saw all of my daughter's home soccer games and several away games. My daughter and I affectionately call me her personal "taxi" for the busy social life of a teenage girl, to and from friend's houses, beach trips, shopping, etc. etc. etc.

Hmmm, I pay my child support and half of private school for both kids as well as half of the extra curricular activities including half my daughter's expensive trip to Austrailia this month. Oh, yeah, I support my step son while he gears up for getting back to school for his Lic. Vocational Nursing certificate. Oh yeah, I put in a couple of thousand to help pay for the used car his mom helped to buy him last Sept.

Let's see, oh that's right. After we had an agreement (6/06) on the separation agreement, in a fit of rage she demanded $15,000 or else was going to hire an attorney and fight me for everything so I gave it to her only because I was falsely thinking we could still reconcile if I kept things civil.

Ok now, lets see, hmmm. X has secretly cheated and plotted divorce and remarriage since before 7/05 and she believes God has blessed her?

Well, since this is the second time she cheated on me during our marriage, I would have to agree with her that "Some things will never change"

Be back later, I have to go pick up my daughter and her friend and then go get my son from summer school.

(I am actually in a great mood since I ignored her babble but I just need to remind myself how fortunate I am to no longer be blind to the dynamics of the dysfunctional marriage I had)
I have to tell you i'm really bothered by all this traveling and neglect of the kids.
But i will NOT poison their minds, God has blessed me beyond my thoughts, He's provided for MY NEEDS AND THEIRS...
Somethings will never change..

hah, she sounds downright jealous, and guilty, in a way. She's bothered that you're not sitting around mopeing about her. Instead, you're out living a full, enriched, exciting and adventurous life. She has to deal with the kids and can't indulge her selfish ways, as usual. The trips are really minor-time compared to all that you normally do with and for them.

Poison their minds? Oh, GET A GRIP lady. Puleeze. Your actions took care of that one. Thank goodness that the children have such a loving father. What nerve on her part. Pathetically funny.

I just need to remind myself how fortunate I am to no longer be blind to the dynamics of the dysfunctional marriage I had

Yea, now you can chase those Romanian gymnasts up a pole with a beacon on your butt.


OH brother
Does the word PROJECTION mean anything to your ex??
Thats what my ex does. You can GAL and STILL be a fantastic dad
YOU did not break the family apart. YOU fought to keep it together YOU are the secure parent for those children and she is grasping at straws!
Crimany!!!! Glad you didn't let her rant get to you, C2. You know it's a bunch of BS and didn't let her goad you into a fight.

I didn't know gymnasts needed butt lights too......But then who wants to do a triple somersault with a crossover, ending in splits in the dark?
...in a fit of rage she demanded $15,000...
that is 15k MORE than what we had already agreed to. I am so glad to be done with this woman. "Free at last, free at last..."

hah, she sounds downright jealous, and guilty, in a way. She's bothered that you're not sitting around mopeing about her. Instead, you're out living a full, enriched, exciting and adventurous life. She has to deal with the kids and can't indulge her selfish ways, as usual.
DB, I think she's still trying to make herself to be the good parent and me, a bad neglectful dad, justifying her reason for leaving me. As far as jealousy, she's got what she wanted, a bigger house with a pool, more income in the household, and the ability to buy "things." You are right that it bothers her to see me going off on adventures and also spending soooo much time with the kids.

Yea, now you can chase those Romanian gymnasts up a pole with a beacon on your butt.
We'll you know, they do say, "What happens in Romania..." ;\)

Karen "projection?" so, that's what they call it, huh? My prior posts use to be out of frustration, trying to understand her with the goal of "fixing" me. Now, it is so nice to know, she is not my problem. "Mr. X, welcome to my (former) world, here are her meds and the calendar I use to keep to track her cycle to figure out her pattern of losing it. Here is my biking helmet for when she start to throw things and slam doors. Start to get use to hearing about the drama around her that is everybody else's fault. http://www.divorcebustin.com this is the website you'll want to tap into when you realize she is "doing" someone else because you are her latest problem. Let's see... keep my cell number, you may want an understanding shoulder to cry on in the future, believe me, "I feel (your future) pain, bro."

Jill, yep, "a bunch of b.s." sounds like the perfect description.

I didn't know gymnasts needed butt lights too......But then who wants to do a triple somersault with a crossover, ending in splits in the dark?
Ouch! Still there is something very intriguing about "flexibility." (Isn't that what they say, Bethie?)
C1H: I love your little not to Mr. X. I guess they have been together for a while now. So the true reality is setting in. And I completely agree. He will need all that you listed. \:\)

Originally Posted By: Committed2Him
[quoteI use to keep to track her cycle to figure out her pattern of losing it. Here is my biking helmet for when she start to throw things and slam doors. Start to get use to hearing about the drama around her that is everybody else's fault. http://www.divorcebustin.com this is the website you'll want to tap into when you realize she is "doing" someone else because you are her latest problem. Let's see... keep my cell number, you may want an understanding shoulder to cry on in the future, believe me, "I feel (your future) pain, bro."

C2, I can't stop laughing over this. You're too funny!!! Aren't you glad your sentence is up??
LOL pretty darn accurate though no doubt!
I didn't know gymnasts needed butt lights too......But then who wants to do a triple somersault with a crossover, ending in splits in the dark?
Ouch! Still there is something very intriguing about "flexibility." (Isn't that what they say, Bethie?)

Yes C2H,

AHHHH yes flexibility is nery intriguing. That is what we in the "Biz" always say!

Ok so, I think that you should throw caution to the wind. E-mail thoses little pearls of wisdom to the schmuck, but withold the meds. Afterall, you're giving him a heads up which is very nice of you, but he also has to feel some consequence for what he's done!

The thought that always comes first and foremost to my mind when a spouse who supposedly now has "everything that they've ever dreamed of", is where is the hostility and resentment coming from? More importantly why? Afterall, you didn't leave her she left you. So what is it that drives this anger? Most likely she is still trying to convince herself that she had no choice. It worked before, except now you are no longer taking the blame or falling apart. Plus this perfect little world that she had imagined probably didn't included you stealing some of her thunder because of the relationships that you are nurturing with your children. Her wonderful new house with all the bells and whistles has a catch. It comes with at a very high cost. Banks are funny about wanting to be paid every month. Oh and that love of her life that she now lives with probably looks somewhat different when you're living in the real world of kids, laundry, housekeeping and figuring out whose turn it is to take out the garbage. All of the things you never consider when you're still sneaking around and livin' on LOVEEEEEEEEEE.

Hey, give me $15,000.00, pick my kids up at school, oh and would you pay half of my kids tuition while you're at it? (well it was worth a shot. It worked for your ex!)

Love you man, (now can I have the $15 thou?)
[quote=BethM]Love you man, (now can I have the #15 thou?)/quote]

Hey!!! I love you MORE and I only want $10,000!!!! \:D
Originally Posted By: qoe100
[quote=BethM]Love you man, (now can I have the #15 thou?)/quote]

Hey!!! I love you MORE and I only want $10,000!!!! \:D

$9500.00 that my final answer xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Yes Neli, I should actually seal my note to Mr. X and mail it to myself so I can give it to him with a postmark.

I really do wish her happiness because if she is reasonably happy, my interactions with her should be less complicated with the operative word being "should."

Either way, I need to focus on flexibility and stretching for my encounter with the gymnast. Six days from now, at this time, I'll be in the air over the Eastern states, waving to my friends. \:D

<C2H prepares to do the splits and then realizes there is no one in the house to help him up if he gets stuck in that position ...thinking better of it, he searches the sports channels to study gymnastics terminology)
Ladies, I can't believe I missed your comments when I posted last night. I was in and out and on my way to meet a friend from church who had a Romanian language CD for me. Already I have learned:

"Excuse me, which way to the gymnastics stadium?"

"My, that was an amazing routine. Would you like to join me after practice for (insert favorite Romanian beverage here)."

"Why, yes, I do know Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kobe Bryant" (ok, lying is NOT a good way to start a lifetime relationship, I don't know Kobe and Arnie).

Hmmm? Ok, "Why, yes, I do know Bethie and yes, she IS amazingly flexible."

Ladies, you get neither $10 or 15K with this I love you" stuff. Your demand has to start with, "I can't stand you." then you get the money!

C2, I can't stop laughing over this. You're too funny!!! Aren't you glad your sentence is up??

Look who is the funny one? Yes, time served! Reminds me of the words the warden said as I left the Big House: "C2H, I hope you learned your lesson, go out those gates and don't come back again!" To which I replied, "yes, sir, believe me I am rehabilitated and I ain't coming back!"

The thought that always comes first and foremost to my mind when a spouse who supposedly now has "everything that they've ever dreamed of," is where is the hostility and resentment coming from? More importantly why?

dissatisfaction from within, right? It is not logical. Combination of upbringing and innate personality traits and sometimes chemical imbalances.

Afterall, you didn't leave her she left you. So what is it that drives this anger? Most likely she is still trying to convince herself that she had no choice.
In my Xs case, some sort of martyr's mentality, the same mentality caused temporarily severed relationships with friends and family.

It worked before, except now you are no longer taking the blame or falling apart. Plus this perfect little world that she had imagined probably didn't included you stealing some of her thunder because of the relationships that you are nurturing with your children.
She violated her vows to God, vows which her children understand. Her kids see through her justification for leaving me and it convicts her.

Her wonderful new house with all the bells and whistles has a catch. It comes with at a very high cost. Banks are funny about wanting to be paid every month. Oh and that love of her life that she now lives with probably looks somewhat different when you're living in the real world of kids, laundry, housekeeping and figuring out whose turn it is to take out the garbage. All of the things you never consider when you're still sneaking around and livin' on LOVEEEEEEEEEE.
So true except financially, they are not struggling. I support my kids, X gets paid very, very well as a legal secretary for a top level law firm (very well). Mr. X is second in charge of operations for their IT department, and has a side IT consulting business for tax purposes. She thinks she has it all. X always has and is still piling more on plate than she can handle. She lives for being stressed out and has continued that pattern even now and this is sad.

"Some things never change."

Oh, man, I love my new life, gotta go take my son to summer school and see my daughter \:\)
Yes C2H I understands that she makes good money but I work for Finacial planners and the one thing we talk about all of the time is that the people make the more they spend. Before you know it your life is full of stress and you're trapped into HAVING to make the money to sustain this lifestyle. When I read some of this things that you have written about your ex all I hear is that she is still trying to make a perfect life and buy happiness. Just keeps stuffing that void and sorry to say but she seems like a classic case to me.Where does that end? Eventually it's gotta' jump up and bite you in the butt!

All this will "jump up and bite her in the butt," but not financially. Now that she's responsible for her share of the household budget, however they worked it out, she'll be ok. She has her financial planner, contributes to her retirement plan and bargains and barters with the best of them. When she needs money, overtime is almost always available. She has no one to blame but herself is she overshoots her budget so she'll stick to it to impress Mr. X. Unfortunately, as she feels this sense of control over her finances for now and the future, she will think everything is ok in her life yet, as you mentioned, she "Just keeps stuffing that void."

"Stuffing that void!"
This is the real issue for so many WAS's. Not that we LBS's are perfect, present company excepted \:\) . So, when the WAS realizes that their void is still following them around, then their previously exhibited pattern will sadly repeat itself in some way shape or form.

Back to practicing my Romaian:
"Thank you, yes, it is a very attractive butt light."
Hey C2H,

Roman gymnasts stinca! (I will only respond to you in Romanian from this point on!)
"stinca" does that mean "are sexy"

woo hoo!

(if course, sexy is nice but not my highest priority, I am all about "what's inside" ;\))
No, it means Romanian gymnasts ROCK!!!

Always thinking trash! (darn it I did it again- non English speaking thread!!!!)
Wow C2H, I leave for a while and come back to find you chasing after Romanian brides? I shouldn't stay away so long. But hey, if you find one that makes you happy - or happier than you are now I should say - then you just go for it.

C2H, money doesn't make peope happy who are by nature unhappy. A short term fix maybe, but not long term. So keep that in mind when you start thinking about her life. We don't leave this earth with any of the money, or the things we acquire. We leave with ourselves only. You have shown your kids what real love and real commitment is. Who do you think they'll want to aspire to be like when they're making life decisions? I surely hope it is you. All you have to do now is be completely happy with yourself. Because that's important too.

Have fun in Romania and DO NOT BRING HOME A NEW WIFE!
No, it means Romanian gymnasts ROCK!!!

Amen sista Bethie!!

(By the way, the ministry is called ROCK ministries (Reaching Out to Christ's Kids) how's that for a coincidence? Yep, sounding more and more like I was destined for this encounter, whatever it may be.

Happy, good to see you again! Yep, money can't buy happiness. We do need to give our kids more credit than we sometimes do. They certainly know I am at peace with my life and they know their mom was always the volatile one. I serve and give of myself but not at their expense and they know, next to my relationship with God, they are next in importance in my life.

I believe I am giving them a good example. Thanks for your input.

That is weird because that isn't what I had originally written but I erased it and wrote this instead. It is weird. We talked about this before, there are no coincidences!

Bethie, yep, I can hear Arte Johnson from Rowna and Martin's Laugh-in saying, "very interesting." \:\) btw, sent you a message.

How's it going oh neglectful one? I was wondering who my EX was talking about when she said I wasn't the most pathetic man on the planet. Now I'm starting to think that she may have discovered this board and your despicable behavior involving total disregard for your children and their well being. For the past two years I thought I was the best at something, I figured if I was going to be pathetic I might as well be really good at it. Now you come along and bump me into second place...

I hope you have a blast chasing gymnasts and spreading raunch and debauchery to the far corners of the earth. Have a great trip and a safe journey back home.
ALL, you know, "pathetic X husbands of a feather, flock..."

I believe we are in good company.

R & D for the world!
Anger/Resentment/Jealousy? (My rant for the moment)

I am about to meet my kids, X and Mr. X at the airport as my D prepares to depart for an 18 day trip to Australia. I was feeling strange about this departure gathering and really couldn't pinpoint the feeling. Anger, resentment, jealousy?

Of course we will be taking pictures and video and the other day I was thinking that I didn't want to shoot any pictures or video with Mr. X in them. In a sense, I feel childish or somewhat jealous and know that these situations are not really comfortable for me. These special moments are tainted by the presence of a male who did not have the backbone or character to deal with his own marriage and stay clear of a married woman (notice I did not write "man").

So how do shall I deal with this?

For my daughter's sake, I will WILL MYSELF to totally be me! Have fun with it and joke with her. I will take the pictures and video, regardless if Mr. X is standing near (I can always photo shop a clown face later on for laughs). I will continue to be cordial to him so that my kids can see how a gentleman with class and character behaves.

I will stand firm in the truth that my daughter loves her daddy and NO male who is present in her life can replace that, ever!

Today we shopped and then went to lunch. I hugged and kissed her a bunch of times at the various places went and, though she is now 16, she still lets me take her hand like I did when she was a little girl (but only for periods of time LOL!)

Yes, Mr. X will be present but he is the outsider.
Yes, he "is" the outsider and your kids understand that also. My D22 adores her dad in spite of what's happened but she would "never" let him hold her hand. Never!!! Not sure why but she hangs all over me when we're together. Works for me!!!

One thing I'd like to mention is that the nicer you are to Mr X, the more it makes him look like a schmuck and he knows that and eventually, so will your kids.

You're a class act, bud. Well.....except for the clown face thingy.

What a great attitude you have in the face of such discomfort. You likely won't find any flack for your feelings here.... I think we can all sympathize.

I love the photoshop idea! of course, you must for your personal collection have at least one with a bare backside plastered right atop his shoulders!!!

The fact that your 16yr. old still lets you hald her hand is the sweetest thing I've heard all day.... it's the littlest of things that are the biggest of blessings! \:\)

Stay strong C2H.... you're storing up treasures...
One thing I'd like to mention is that the nicer you are to Mr X, the more it makes him look like a schmuck

Making a mental note to myself to remember this. Great point Jill. As for holding her hand, years ago we got into just holding pinkies and so when it is just the two of us, I'll initiate it and she doesn't resist but I know not to do it in a way that will embarass her. Today, on the way into buy some earphones for her iPod, I just stuck out my hand and she grabbed it. We walked towards the store and then I looked at her after a while and said, "Is that long enough?" and she smiled and nodded so I let go, satisfied that she's still my baby.

Love the other derier photo shop edit idea for my own amuzement LOL! Yep, storing up treasures and can't wait to eventually be present to recieve them.

Daughter's Airport goodbye
It went VERY well! X and Mr. X got to the airport with D ahead of me and had time to take pictures and basically say good bye, standing back as D stood in line to get her boarding pass with the other students going on the tour. I walked in, said hello to the newlyweds and hugged my son and made a bee line for my daughter. I took some pictures and video and then plopped my self in line with her, joking around with her and her friends.

X and OM still stood back and left after 10 minutes. The group still was accessible to us for about another hour so I hung out with the other parents, had someone shoot video of me sneaking up on my daughter like the crock hunter and then sat with her as the group waited for the last person to show and get their boarding pass. There were opportunities to move in and out to chat with her and the group as they waited for their pass and then waited for their luggage to be screened. Following that, there was time to sit and talk about her flight, and guess about when they would sleep and how they would kill time.

Finally they had everyone and moved to the final stage which was as far as we could go.We parents followed them until they went through security and then watched as they disapppeared down a corridor.

I wrote her a card for the flight including telling her I loved her and that this trip was a chance to exhibit the love of God by her actions more than by her words. I also wrote that if it was either of our time to go be with the Lord that we would be waiting for the other to spend eternity together. Some might think this to be a bit morbid but we never know when is the last time we might be seeing a loved one. When I went to my reunion, I asked my son, "If something should happen to me while I'm gone, where will I be?" His reply, "in heaven, waiting for me."

I also presented her with four envelopes to open later in the trip, when ever she felt like it. Knowing that she would be busy with friends but in actuality, around the world by herself, I decided to print bible verses for her with a hand written message from me on the backside. The envelopes were labled: Rejoice, Joy, Peace and Fear Not.

I may not be there in person but this was my way of reminding her I really am and, even more importantly, so is her God.

As I sign off, Airport tracking services indicate her flight just lifted off. I am a peace with how everything went this evening. A verse I printed for her:

Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ah yes, I can see clearly now why your EX thinks you're so neglectful.

Obviously you have more class than I do so my EX must have been talking about someone else when she mentioned that there were more patethic guys out there than me.

Have a good one buddy.
I don't know ALL. Airsoft wars in your house, raising your kids without her financial help, teaching S to be a manyly man, shingling roofs etc? We sound similarly pathetic!

(Oh, gotta go take my son to summer school)

Don't you have women to chase, lies to tell and beer to guzzle???
Excuse me, don't you mean "Romanian women to chase and near-beer to guzzle???" (I cannot tell a lie, oh wait, that was one, wasn't it?)
We now bring you this newsflash: C2H is leaving this thread (but not the country, yet).

I started a new thread, see link below, because "Today is the first day of the rest of my..." Naw. Actually, today is the one year anniversary of X moving out of the house therefore, I'm moving out of this thread as a symbolic gesture

I'll still be posting thru tomorrow on that thread. Though it is starting off "serious" I'll still be looking for last minute tips on Romanian gymnasts do's and don't and other such advice from my rooting section.

<and now, C2H looks around the thread to see if he's left anything, and walks out the thread, with his head held high!>
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