Posted By: totite H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/07/04 04:13 PM
Hi everyone. I am warning you that this is a long but important post.

Sorry for the week of lurking and little posting. As you can imagine, it has been crazy around here with H moving home and school ending too!

So to bring you all up to speed...on Tuesday May 25, as my H was leaving for the night, my S3 said his usual "pack up and come home". My H had been saying "I hear you", but this time said "tomorrow". I didn't say a word, and quite frankly, forgot about it.

So then Wed night, the kids and I were leaving to take D9 to friend's house. A friend of my H's comes to the door and says he has some stuff to drop off. I said okay and follow him outside. There in the driveway is my H's truck - full of his things! He was really moving home. He smiled and said, "what? you think I would tell him that and not do it?".

The next few days were spent pretty much shell-shocked by me and the kids. Luckily there was alot going on at school to keep us busy.

Then Friday night, his friend and another buddy met him at the apartment to bring the larger furniture here. I was busily cleaning the house and making room for the couch and chair, etc. In the garage there was a large duffle bag that I couldn't even lift. So, to get it out of the way, I figured I would just empty it and put it away.

I put the clothes away and then took out a box that contained his change bag (he had taken it out of the jar to transport it). Also in the box were several greeting cards - addressed to H, but not from me. No return address, just written to his name, his nickname and an endearment. Yes - I snooped! I opened two of them - a birthday card and a Christmas card - both signed "love me" but not from me. Needless to say, I felt like I got kicked in the gut. I wanted to open the rest, but didn't. I put the stuff away and continued to make the house ready for his stuff.

Remember, I was sure there was no OW in this whole sitch, so you can imagine what I was feeling and experiencing.

Later, I was in bed reading DR (the chapter on infidelity that I had previously skipped - because there was no OW in our sitch). My H came in and asked what was wrong. I told him that I was so happy that he was home, and that I was just trying to help - and that I had emptied the bag, found the cards and opened a few of them. I said, "my curiosity got to me and ruined what should be a great evening". He said, "I am here aren't I? It was nothing."

Well, of course I didn't know what to say so I said nothing. He went back outside - I figured he had to close the garage door. So I went out to talk to him more, and just as I started to open the garage door, I heard his friend's voice. Then my H said, she was just a friend that I hung out and had fun with - I never had a woman at the apartment and never spent the night anywhere but there or at another guy friend's house.

I shut the door and went back inside. I went to bed and he came in shortly after that. He held me tight, and I told him that I was still reeling from the finding the cards and that I would have questions that needed answering but not now. I said I need to know you are here for me too - and he said, if it were just for the kids, I wouldn't be here.

So he held me some more and then we . He stayed close all night and woke me for more . (ML has been a daily occurance for the past week - whew! Who needs a workout when your WAH comes home! )

The weekend progressed and one of his buddies called to ask my H to take him to the bar to pick up his vehicle. H asked if it was okay and I said sure. He said it would be an hour or so. When I hesitated, he said what? I said, well, it is hard not knowing if you will run into her there. He said there is no her, and hasn't been for a long time, and it was only a friendship anyway. So he went and called home when he got delayed.

I let the whole topic go and concentrated on us adjusting back to being an in-tact family. But at night, I would wake up and all of the scenarios would run through my brain - who was she? when did it start? was it a EA or PA? when did it end? who ended it?

I knew if I didn't ask the questions, not knowing the answers would make me crazy and be a invisible wall between us. But, I had to work up the courage to ask. I prayed for the opportunity and it came.

Yesterday, H's friend called to meet for a quick beer. I said, go ahead but he must have sensed my questions. He went outside. I made sure the kids were occupied, and went out too. I said, I have never been one to track your whereabouts and I don't want to start now. Yes, it is nice to know where you are and if you will be delayed, but I don't want to turn into a suspicious person. I asked him to consider how he would feel if he found out I was out with a guy all the time and that guy loved me. This was asked nicely and not sarcastically - and then dropped.

Then, I said, my hesitation comes in not knowing the answers to some of my questions. I asked who she was and he said a friend of someone from work. I asked how involved they were - and he said they weren't. He said this is someone he wanted to be friends with and she wanted more. He told her he wasn't interested in anything more than friendship. I said do you still see her? He said he hasn't seen her in at least 3 months (which I believe as he has been here every waking hour since the holidays). I said it is hard to see cards to him that aren't from me. I eve said that I have cards here meant for him but now may not give them to him as they may not mean as much.

He started teasing me about the fact that I sign my cards "love me" and I said, yes, but that is only to you. That is why it hurt so much.

So it was a good conversation. We also talked a bit about some other stuff and at one point I said, you were so angry back when you moved out that I don't know what you might have done. He seemed to acknowledge that without becoming defensive.

So gang, thanks to the support I got from this BB - especially Cathy, Deb, Opt, Pam, Akgal, HoldingOn, T2, and JJ, I think we have a success story in the making!

I will keep journaling now as I know the work has just begun.

One observation I would like to make is that we talk about ACTING "AS IF". Well, even though I used this language too, I have to disagree with it now. I didn't ACT "as if" for the past 9 months. I LIVED "as if". Acting means that you can stop doing it at some point. Living it means that it is ingrained in your daily life.

I am not going anywhere, I will still need ongoing wisdom, support and friendship. My virtual family truly gave me my real life back.

In moments of uncertainly, I will still turn here (or Yahoo I guess) first (just like I did last Friday night - thanks HoldingOn!).


1. My H is home!
2. DBing works - use it as a framework and find out what works for you!
3. This BB rocks!
4. My kids are adjusting well to having both mommy and daddy around.
5. H is planning for our future!
6. H's humor and good nature are back.
7. My H had the chance to have an affair and chose not to - this makes his return doubly sweet in my book.

Remaining question - was H in midlife crisis? I am guessing he was, will have to go back and read some more of that again.

H is home! H is home! H is home!
Posted By: Livnlearn Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/07/04 04:22 PM
Yee ha!!!

Posted By: optimist Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/07/04 04:32 PM
Congratulations, Totite! Your patience totally paid off. You're our heroine!
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/07/04 06:43 PM
Way to go totite!!!!

I am so happy for you.

Posted By: slowly Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/08/04 05:29 AM
Hey - This is terrific news - I'm so happy for you, H and the kids. Oh, the third success story that 'came home' this weekend - wow. Slowly
Posted By: BoldNBeautiful Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/08/04 05:42 AM
Oh yes, third one.

Great, I love it!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/08/04 01:57 PM
Good Morning!

I thought that I had better try to link my old thread to this one or Pam will scold me (or have to do it for me).

The Piecing Chronicles: H is thisclose

I think there are links to my other threads at the beginning of this one - thanks to Pam of course!

I'll be back to journal some more later. My S6 wants to play at bit on the computer so mommy has to share!

Have a good day!
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/08/04 02:03 PM
Good Morning,

I am totally innocent!!!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/10/04 08:46 PM
Hi folks!

I am planning to journal every few days so that I can help blaze a trail for others to follow when their WAS comes home.

It seems that it would be easy to not post as much - but I find the need for hints, tips and pointers continues to grow and it is important for us to keep providing the information. So this is my way of paying back even a little of what this BB has meant to my and my marriage.

Okay, H has been home for two weeks. I don't have the walking on eggshells feeling. He is taking a more active role around here than he ever has - and I am glad, but also have to adjust. So I kind of sit back and observe, and back him up in front of the kids. Then I may ask for an explanation or explain something in more detail (as I usually know why the kids asked, said or did something).

It is rather surreal around here. I think this should be harder - but it is almost like we hardly skipped a beat. I keep thinking that I (we) are doing something wrong. I wonder if we are sliding back to old behaviors and yet I know that we aren't.

Bear with me, but I figure others may experience the same thing.

We haven't talked R since Sunday, but as I said before we are "living" it - not "acting" as if. I hope to use more opportunities to have dialog and ask for what I want. But time will tell.

In the meantime, I am lurking, looking for others who have been here and done this. I have found some interesting information on Rottzilla's thread and will look for others as well. I hope to reconnect with T2 and reread some of Shiny's stuff too.

I always look for wisdom among the regulars - you know who you are - as well as some comic relief.

Thanks - and keep sending your prayers this way!
Posted By: WantToSaveMyMarriage Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/10/04 09:27 PM
I am new and wanted to say CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS - I have been lurking and have finally posted my sitch today - what a great day to post - so much good news - you are an inspiration to all of us!!

All the best,
Posted By: theoptimist Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/10/04 09:59 PM
Hey Totite, new to piecing..wanted to say CONGRATS!!! Way to go!!! Hope all works out for your family!


Posted By: KutieKat Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/11/04 10:50 AM
do keep posting (ah well that is the pot calling the kettle black eh?) hehe

it does help to let others know how the process does happen in the initial days of a walkaway coming home

i am so happy for you totite - keep doing what your doing ok? i lurk mostly these days but i wanted to let you know i do follow your sitch...
Posted By: imalright Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/11/04 11:52 AM

Thanks for dropping by my thread. I need to go back and read more about your sitch and how you got to where you are now.

You are right the rest of us do need to hear things from the rest of you that made it and how you got to this point.
I love your posts to me and all the help you give me. What you posted to me was right on the money for where I am at right now!

you deserve this wonderful outcome, as many of us would LOVE to be where you are now!

I have no doubts you will be where T2 is right now, her life is the ultimate!

Good Luck and keep us updated!

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/11/04 02:24 PM
Hey WTSMM, TO, KK and Deb,

Thanks for the well wishes! I'll say it again - I wouldn't be here were it not for this BB and learning about DBing.

My H was late in getting home last night so I called his office and he reminded me that it was "close" time so he had to stay until it was done. (Finance - accounting - it happens every month). I just said that I was worried when he wasn't here and hadn't mentioned working late.

He came home soon after that and I had dinner in the warmer for him. Made him shrimp sauted in garlic and butter (don't be fooled - it was out of a box from SAMs). But it was fabulous and a nice change from his usual steak. He is doing the Adkin's thing with great success. I couldn't do it because I need milk every day! Besides I can't eat all meat all the time!

Although I have cut down on bread. Plus I need chocolate every day too. My thirty pound loss was started with exercise, sped up with his leaving and kept off by watching how much I eat.

Anyway, my D9 and I were "Clean Sweeping" her room so we continued to work on that while he relaxed and watched a ball game (we won in 16 innings in innerleague play). Then I got the boys to bed and went myself. He came up and we chatted a bit and watched Leno, cuddled and went to sleep. Chatting and cuddling is nice and I have missed it - it had stopped long before he left.

We have a big weekend ahead of us - a birthday party for an friend of D9 tomorrow followed by a grad party for H's cousin's son - big family gathering. We had continued to do everything "family" together even when he wasn't living here - so it is not a big deal for us to go.

What is a bigger deal is how his demeanor around me when with other people - especially his friends and family. I'm not even sure he was aware of how he treated me - not verbally, but his body language and lack of bringing me into any conversations. I felt like I was an unwanted intruder on these occassions and it hurt my immensely as I am a very social person.

Right after he moved back, a good friend of his/ours stopped by and I stayed outside with them. He acknowledged my presence in a positive way, he let me feel part of and engage in the conversation. It felt wonderful.

That was one of the defining moments of his return - he couldn't fake that if he wanted to. And I am not even sure if he was aware of it before. But I knew that I had my H back then - the guy I fell in love with all those years ago - not the angry, bitter man he had become.

The Lord works in mysterious ways - and just a simple visit and conversation like that helped me know that we will truly build a new R together.

So while I wasn't testing his return or whatever you might call it - I was given a sign that may have been only apparent to me. Look for the small things - the things that may only have meaning to you. They can mean a lot in the grand scheme of things.

Have a great weekend. I'll be sure to check back if I get a chance.
Posted By: nitaf Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/11/04 02:26 PM

Posted By: holdingon Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/11/04 05:35 PM

I was given a sign that may have been only apparent to me

Posted By: imalright Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/12/04 11:47 AM
Totite, you are the best!

Thanks for being there for me too, even though I won't be a success story!

According to my D's I have been a horrible mother and a terrible wife. Maybe they are right.

I'm so happy for you and many others here on the BB! You have made it and you will keep working on your M!

take care
Posted By: TKKC1 Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/16/04 01:40 AM

I am sooooooooooo happy for you!!! You have a lot to be proud of and I hope you are feeling great about yourself!!

Isn't it strange how something like this occurs and it puts everything in our lives into better perspective. Problems that you thought were major before this crisis suddenly seem insignificant. We are truly blessed if we can maintain this new perspective and realization of what is really important in our lives and our purpose for being here.

I send my love to you and deep appreciation for your advice and feedback. Thank you so much!

PS - Perhaps you should explore being a DB coach, I am sure it is very fulfilling. Good luck to you!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/16/04 12:25 PM
Thanks TKKC1,

I am heading out of town for a few days with the kids, MIL and SIL. Will journal more when I get back.

Suffice it to say, things are going well around here. My H just got back last night from 3 days of fishing. He is having dinner with some very close family friends while we are gone. This is his big brother (from the big brother program) who was a male figure for him after his dad left his life. He and his wife treat us like their kids and he even took my H out for lunch shortly after he left. But more about this later.

Gotta get myself and three kids packed along with all the doodads that are required to keep me sane while driving several hours to our destination.

Have a great week everyone. My thoughts and prayers will be with you even if I can't check in. Not even taking the laptop with this time!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/22/04 08:57 PM
Hi everyone,

Took the kids up north for a few days. My H was home alone but we spoke daily. The one night he called us because his cell phone was cutting out and he knew that we'd try to call him. The kids call him every night if he isn't going to be home - a hold-over habit that was formed when he didn't live at home.

I see that Michelle has a children's resource happening now. I can tell you that this ritual of calling every night strengthened the bond between my H and the kids, but also went a long way in opening our line of communications too.

That and a regular dose of ML . That is why I am copying a post that I did to nitaf here. It is a topic that I struggled with at times as I know that others do too. Should we ML with our WAS or not? Well, here are my thoughts on the subject if you care to know them...


Hey nitaf,

I've been gone, but in catching up I see that you are questioning whether or not to ML. Well, I am on the side of ML all you want - why let a part of your R that works go bad while working on other portions of your R?

When my H left last August, he was so angry that he couldn't bring himself to go past the bottom of the stairs. He didn't want to talk to me but I made sure the kids spoke to him every night. (This is all detailed in my old thread in Newcomers as well as other Piecing threads)

In early October, something happened at work that brought him to me to talk. He was giving me a hug and saying he had to leave or he couldn't be responsible for what might happen - that is when I told him that ML was good and we shouldn't stop that while working on our M. Well, we ML that night. The wall between us started to crumble with that small step.

Soon we were ML a couple times a week after the kids went to bed. Along the way he started talking to me at the end of his conversation with the kids. Then we were doing things together as a family...after spending the holidays as we always have - he started coming here after work each day, only sleeping at his apartment. Now he is back home.

Get the picture? Sometimes you have to go against conventional wisdom.

When my H moved home I found out there had been an EA going on. But you know what? She wanted a PA and he told her he wasn't interested. He then ended the EA and he hasn't seen or heard from her in several months.

To me that confirms that what I did was the right thing for us - even though there were times when I questioned it myself. Our increased physical intimacy helped bring us back together in other ways.

It also makes it doubly sweet that he is home. He discovered that what we have is worth saving.

So you should do what works for you. He is calling at night to talk to you - even if the excuse is to talk about your son. Mine did that too.

Talk to your H about having a nighttime routine that your son calls whichever parent he isn't with at a set time (or thereabouts). Then the two of you can touch base at the end of it. Just a quick, upbeat, casual connection. See what happens.

If anything, I have learned from this, is to watch for the smallest positive behaviors. Don't acknowledge or question them - just appreciate them and reward them with a returned positive behavior on your part.

You'll be amazed at the results. Good luck!

Things are going well here with H at home. And the ML continues in full force. Confirms my H's primary LL - one that I didn't appreciate prior to learning about DBing.

I'll journal more later. Thanks for your support and encouragement.
Posted By: love_endures4ever Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/23/04 12:35 PM
Hi Totite,

Was reading your post to Deb about your skating rink and I might just have to come visit you this winter. S4 loves the stick and puck, but isn't too good on the ice yet.

Posted By: nitaf Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/23/04 12:40 PM
Does H talk about how he felt when he left and what made him want to come back? If so, what does he say?

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/24/04 10:35 PM
Hey Cathy and nitaf,

Cathy - I am looking forward to winter already. H had me get estimate to remove some trees out back - which would let me make the skating rink about 60 x 50 feet. Wohoo!

I think I am psyched about it because my D9 is in a hockey class this week and she enjoys it so much. Plus I want to skate more and may even start to play hockey again myself.

My S6 will start to play this fall too. S3 will just skate some more this year. And H pulled out his skates so who knows - he may skate again too.

nitaf - My H doesn't talk about why he left - I am sure he feels like the reasons he gave me at the time were valid, although I am not quite so sure. They were pretty lame things - but probably all he could verbalize at the time.

He hasn't said anything about why he came home, but his actions continue to speak volumes. His tone of voice, etc, has also changed for the better. And is almost daily - man do I feel old sometimes! LOL!

Other than asking him about the cards that I found from an OW (EA), I haven't said much. I told him I would ask things as they seemed relevant - and so far I have let our actions speak for both of us. It may be that I rarely ask anything - I am playing it by ear.

I'll be sure to journal here as things continue. My H is someone who doesn't talk about feelings very well but I can tell how he is feeling towards me and it is good.

And, I should mention, that the other night after the kids and I returned from up north, my H initiated some and in the midst of it said "I missed you". This is something that I haven't heard for a long time and the way he said it, it felt like it was for more than those three days - but could have applied to the prior nine months or more. Do you get what I mean?

Anyway, I let the little nuances speak for themselves. They say alot about our R.

Thanks for checking in and for the support!
Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/26/04 01:57 PM

I haven't been around for a while and what a pleasure to come back and see your news! How wonderful. Knew this would eventually happen, glad it finally did!

I know my H believes that because he is back, that speaks volumes and says all that needs to be said. He isn't into the R talks, but to be fair, we never really had them before. We did have some bumps and bruises after the intial euphoria wore off, but I think we are back on solid ground now.

I'm also much freer is expressing my needs and telling them in a way that (at least I attempt), isn't blaming, but just stating what I need to feel secure. And he is really trying and it's wonderful! Reward the good behavior and enjoy!!!!

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 06/27/04 09:12 PM
Hey Jackie,

Thanks for stopping by. It is wonderful to have you visit. I posted to you BTW.

Another topic that I see folks stuggling with on this BB is parenting while separated. I posted this to HoldingOn earlier today. Thought I'd share it here as well since I truly feeling that strengthing the R between my H and kids also was a factor in his recovery from the alien invasion.


Hi HoldingOn,

Hey, about parenting during a separation, the best recommendation I can make is to establish a routine for your H and kids if possible. IMHO, my H wasn't really into being a parent during the alien invasion, but when he moved out, we made the routine of the kids calling him every night to say goodnight. They went with him EO weekend for a month or so, but then that stopped when H started coming here all the time.

Anyway, eventually, that regular night time call included me. At first he didn't want to talk to me, but later the kids would put me on at the end. I kept it to kid-related information.

Then we expanded the topics to include our home, etc. I really think it gave H an appreciation of how hard it is to parent, let alone do it alone. (Funny, since he grew up in a single parent household and knows this).

As hard as it was to let the kids go for the weekend, soon I loved the time alone (remember it gave me time to knock out a wall, paint the whole place, etc). And for him to have full responsibility for the kids for 2 nights and 2 days, gave him an appreciation for what I did. It also brought him alot closer to the kids. This carries over now that he is home.

(I think that having to do groceries, laundry, housekeeping, kid's baths, etc. all after working full-time during the week didn't hurt in his appreciation of me either! LOL!)

He is much more active in parenting now. He'll run errands with the kids. He goes out and plays with them. He attends their activities without grumbling.

I know that each situation is different, but would it be possible to establish a routine with him? Even the nightly "good night" call might help.

You need time for you too. Take good care of yourself. Trust your parenting instincts. If you need to make a decision by yourself, don't second guess it. If your H doesn't like the decision, simply let him know that of course you would prefer to make the decisions together, but that isn't always possible in light of the current situation. Let him know you will do your best to involve him, but that there will be times when you just have to do what the situation dictates.

My youngest two kids didn't show their feelings outwardly all that much during their daddy's absence from our home. (I have to wonder though if S6 would still be wetting the bed if this hadn't happened) My D9 had some feelings about it, but with the support of me, her teacher, her grandparents, and with spending quality time with her dad, we all helped her understand that we all loved her and this wasn't about her.

I can't tell you enough how much more involved my H is with the kids. I actually have to step back because I was the one making all the decisions before - and he let me. Now he is more involved in the day-to-day, the discipline, etc. and I am learning how to fit in with this parenting partnership. Again, when I don't know what to say or do, I do nothing - at first. Then I may talk to him about it in depth later when the kids aren't around.

I feel that I never used the kids to get their daddy back. He didn't use them either. We simply parented as we should have been all along. Because it worked, it only helped in our overall R together.

Good luck everyone. It can be done!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/02/04 03:01 PM
Hi folks.

It's funny that once again this week I have been posting more than lurking - and yet I forget to update my own thread!

My H has been rather quiet this week, I have let him be and will ask him this weekend. I know he has been really busy at work but I want to be sure that is what it is.

He has been home for one month. I want him to continue to know that he made the right decision. I am trying like heck to keep things up around here but hurt my low back earlier this week so I haven't been able to do everything that I want to do.

I have managed to take the kids to swimming every day, do a million loads of wash, grocery shopping, some cleaning, etc. But it doesn't seem like enough - am I being to hard on myself? I am afraid he will find something wrong and not say anything - which is how we ended up here in the first place. I am equally afraid that I injure my back worse and end up out of commission for longer.

But, rather than sit here and think "what is he thinking" and drive myself crazy - I am going to ask him what he is thinking - in a very loving way. I am going to let him know that I get scared when he is quiet because I am afraid that he is upset with me and not speaking up. I'll let you know how this goes.

I think it is probably one of the greatest challenges besetting those of us whose spouses come back home - wanting to know, but not wanting to cause upset or discomfort - but sometimes you just have to say - what the heck and ask....

No plans for the weekend here. Just tons of stuff to do around the house and yard. Will go to some fireworks somewhere and may go see the flotilla, but who knows?

I asked H about taking the kids to get some fireworks and he just smirked - which means he may have already gotten some....
Posted By: imalright Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/09/04 12:04 PM

I found this thread very enlightening. I guess my H made sure he would see more of his D by getting her a job where he works. They have worked together many times and H takes her out to lunch once in awhile , maybe more!

It was when I read this thread that a lightbulb went off; H just wants to see D18 all he can and tried his darnedest to get her in! He told her she could apply next year and probably get the job! I don't know what he is going to do when she is done for the summer, I'm hoping we will see him more. I haven't seen him in quite awhile. But my friends and my lifestyle keep me busy!

Thanks, for checking in on me!
I'm glad to see that everything is working out for you and your H. I wish my H and I would have kept the ML thing going! That part was always good!

Thanks for your thread! It helps us all in some small way!

Posted By: love_endures4ever Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/10/04 08:51 PM
Hi Totite,

Thanks for stopping by my thread and pointing out that H is making babysteps back to me, I think he is too. If he is a cake eater/fence sitter than he's not very happy about it as the tone of his voice was not that of a happy person. It was more the tone of someone caught in their own spider web!

Took S4 to the great outdoor games today, very crowded and hot, but we did have fun. Now I'm off to finish mowing our half acre lawn, rider broke down so I'm pushing. I look at it this way, I can skip the treadmill today and I'm getting a little tan on my winter white skin! It's July and summer just arrived.

I'm so happy for you that your H is back home!

Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/13/04 09:40 AM
Hey totite,

Time for an update!!!!!!
Posted By: nitaf Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/15/04 06:26 PM
Hey Totite,

Thanx for checking up on me but my H is not home.
Posted By: DownNotOut Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/16/04 09:15 PM
Totite, Holdingon recommended I stop by and read your threads. I am so happy to see a success story and hope that things continue in that direction for you.

Could you please give me the names of your old threads--I would like to read up and see if I can learn anything from your journey. Mine on piecing is only just beginning--but I have been on this board for 2 years. Just came back from the brink of D, and have been over on Surviving.

Please stop by my thread if you get a chance--"Through the Looking Glass". I would really love your input.

Posted By: anney Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/16/04 10:57 PM
It's grand to hear a success story.
Posted By: Michael00 Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/17/04 01:27 AM
Your story is an inspiration. I hope my journey turns out just like yours did. I have no kids with W and hadn't planned on any so... Anyways CONGRADULATIONS on your achievements. I think I'll post this as one of my favorite threads and learn from it. Sincerely with admiration, Michael00
Posted By: Cheryl_M Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/17/04 01:32 AM
I know you are going to be so popular with all of us still trying to get back in! My thread is in newcomers under I'm new. I would sincerely appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have. Thank you for not giving up on your M!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/18/04 01:53 AM
Hey Pam - Can you do me a favor and link all my old threads to this one? You are the linking queen and as you can see, I've got some folked interested in catching up with my sitch. I have never been able to figure out how to link multiple threads - and it should be easy as I only had one in Newcomers and two or three here (I think).

Thanks pal! Then I promise you an update as well!

BTW - your thread is locked, are you up to starting a new one? How about New Digs for Pam's New Life? Just a thought...
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/18/04 10:20 AM
Ok totite,

You owe me as I had forgotten the name of your thread in newcomers and had to spend lots of searching time.

Let me know if I missed anything.

H unhappy and left

Piecing with PATIENCE

The Piecing Chronicles: H is this close
Posted By: imalright Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/19/04 12:07 PM
Just dropping by to see what's new! But hey, you have it under control!

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/19/04 12:35 PM
Hey Cathy, nitaf, DNO, Anney, Michael, Cheryl, Pam and DeB1 (As well as all who lurk!)

Thanks for stopping by and for the ongoing encouragement. My resolve to make this work is stronger for it.

Cathy - I follow your thread every time you update so I know that you are getting in some golf and fun time with your S (and your H!)
I know the baby steps will get bigger with time too!

Nitaf- I thought your were on the brink of your H coming home and staying there. I will have to catch up with you to see what is happening. I know that you are going to see a positive outcome though because you are doing the right thing for you. I'll have to see how the boundaries thing is working out. Remember I struggled with that, but just took the risk of opening myself up - and it paid off.

DNO - I have lurked a bit and will try to get some posting time later. I need to visit your old threads too.

Anney, Michael, Cheryl - I will check out your threads too but in the meantime I will just encourage you to continue to read piecing threads as the information you can glean from them is invaluable. These folks have moved past the initial shock of the post-bomb and truly have skills to be admired.

Pam - I am sorry I didn't leave the name of my newcomers thread, I figured it was at the beginning of one of the pieicing threads, but maybe not huh? So yea, I owe you - I'll give you more support as you make your transition to your new home! I can be one of your on-line decorating consultants....

Deb - We crossed posts this morning! You know that I am always thinking about you and your girls. I'll pray that your father has a peaceful journey to the end of his time here on earth. I am glad that your mother's death had a positive aspect for you in that you've detached like never before!


Life is funny in that if you didn't know my H had been gone for 9 months (and mentally checked out long before that) you wouldn't know he had been gone. I am still getting used to the new and improved and happy version of my H. Surprises abound.

For example, this is a guy who has never really reached out to our neighbors - and a few weeks ago he went down and helped one paint their house. He stood and visited with another one the other night. Last night he said that we might host a pig-roast this fall for our neiggbors so that everyone can get together. (If you could have seen the look on my face at that one - I was beaming!)

Yesterday afternoon, my D9 was at a ballgame and the boys were down the block playing. I was in the kitchen straightening up when he came in. I said, what are you doing? He said " I am going into the bedroom to get naked and ML" - so needless to say we had a little afternoon delight!

Last night at dinner, he waited until I was done eating (mom is always last as I spend half the meal refilling kids glasses and stuff, but H grilled the meal so it is our tradeoff). THen we sat and just talked - no big deal to some of you - but for us it was a major milestone!

God is great - life is good! wonderful!

Wow - who would have thunk it? I'll try to journal some more later, but have to take the kids to swimming lessons. They start in 1 hour and I lost track of time on here so I haven't even woken them up yet! OOPS!

Have a great day everyone! After swimming, I am taking the kids to a pool party at my daughter's teacher's house...
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/19/04 01:36 PM

Pam - I am sorry I didn't leave the name of my newcomers thread, I figured it was at the beginning of one of the pieicing threads, but maybe not huh?

I think it was but I tried to start at the beginning instead of backing into the list. Wasn't thinking too clearly apparently!
Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/19/04 02:01 PM
Glad to hear it is all going well, totite! It must be so nice to see him happier. Mine told me last night he likes that we are spending so much time together -- and that was after a stressful weekend of driving in the car with fighting children.

Keep enjoying those afternoon delights!

Posted By: nitaf Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/20/04 03:56 PM
Way 2 GO!

Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/21/04 11:51 PM
You are giving us an update, RIGHT????
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/22/04 12:08 AM
Yeah yeah yeah - update huh?

I feel like I am boring you guys with the mundane, but here goes:

It has been pretty busy around here this week with the kids in swimming lessons and softball wrapping up.

My H and his buddies cut down two of the four trees in our backyard last night. Afterwards they sat outside and chatted, and I joined them. And I actually felt comfortable in doing so. In the past, I felt like I wasn't wanted out there by my H, and last night he included me in the conversation and when his friends were talking - he talked to me.

Things are looking up in the conversation area all around. Another reconnect that is happening and so welcome!

We had already reconnected via ML - and now via conversations. I wonder what reconnect will happen next? Maybe a combo of those two and I will hear ILY again?

My birthday is Saturday and his is a week from Sunday.

I am considering giving him his wedding ring with a card saying that I gave him this almost 13 years ago and would like him to have and wear it again. Any thoughts?

Otherwise I might wait and give it to him on our anniversary in November. He'd have been home 6 months by then.

I am not expecting much for my b-day as I am taking the boys to the annual family golf tourney for my family. We are going out Friday night and coming back Saturday afternoon.

H is finishing up the other two trees with his buddies - they stand 50 ft tall and need to be carefully dropped so they don't hit the house, or swingset, or shed, or...

My D9 is going to a slumber-birthday party for a school friend on Friday night so it is just the boys and I heading to the tournament. Should be fun - I may even golf for the first time in at least 3 or 4 years.

Anyway, for the most part things are going well. I have to remember that the need for patience continues. I would like an ILY and a night out just for us, but can't and won't expect it to happen overnight.

I keep "living AS IF" and leaning on my BB friends when I need to - thanks all!
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/25/04 09:50 AM
Hi totite,

I hope you had a perfectly wonderful birthday!!!

I think it may be time for another update.
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/27/04 09:45 PM
Thanks for the birthday wishes Pam.

The boys and I were out of town most of the day, but came back to find that D9 and H had bought steaks to grill for dinner, a beautiful bunch of flowers and a gift certificate to a day spa!


Tough week as I woke up with a killer sore throat and swollen glands on Sunday. I am still pretty sore today but have managed to take it easy a little bit.

My H ended up taking MIL to ER last night. She was confused yesterday. We hope it is just her meds. They kept her overnight but didn't find anything. Now he is at a different hospital with her because his aunt had a major stroke yesterday afternoon and it isn't looking good.

I am just trying to provide him with love and support. We took a nap (and yes ) this afternoon while he waited for his mom to rest prior to going to the hospital.

He is coming home to take the kids to ball practice so I can rest some more. That is unless something else develops at the hospital.

We just keep on building our partnership in this thing called parenting, life and love. It is still surreal at times. I continue to work on the goals I set for myself when all of this started.

Will do more journaling later but have to run as S6 and his friend are tormenting S3 - I hear crying....
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/27/04 09:46 PM
Hi totite,

So sorry to hear of all the happenings going on right now.

{{{{totite & H}}}}}

Your birthday sounds nice and it does sound as if you and H are making it through some stressful times supporting one another and not what happens sometimes when stress in abundance enters lives.
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 07/27/04 10:01 PM
Hi totite,

Did you give H the ring for his birthday? I wondered how you ended up handling his birthday.

What is good for stuffy noses? Poor little B just can't hardly breath. She is so congested, sounds horrible.

I have wiped her nose and her eyes, vet is sending me an antibiotic in the mail so hopefully get it tomorrow.
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/03/04 03:18 PM
Hi there -

Just catching up with some journaling.

Yesterday was my H's birthday. The timing wasn't right for giving him back his wedding ring though - so I think that will have to wait until our anniversary in November.

It has been stressful as we wait for his aunt to die. They moved her to a hospice on Saturday. I took the kids there to see her one last time - on the way to their last ball game of the season-ending tournament.

My H is close to this aunt and her kids are our age. Her son was our best man. He is in town so H has been spending time with him and his two sisters whenever he can. It is really just a matter of time until this aunt's heart gives out. She had a bad stroke last week and they stopped IV's and meds - so time will take its toll on her previously bad heart soon.

The kids are aware of what is happening, but kids 3,6 and 9 are affected in different ways. I used to take them over swimming with this aunt because her complex has a pool. They will miss that.

This aunt and uncle spend Christmas with us as their kids are either out of state or with the other side of their family. So we will feel the impact of this loss for a long time. We also did Easter together and an annual camping trip among other things.

My H doesn't like death (who does, but I have the philosophy that it is part of life), and doesn't like wakes or funerals. So here we are all day yesterday praying that she doesn't die on his birthday. You see, his uncle and godfather was buried 4 years ago on his birthday.

My H isn't big into birthdays, but that would have been hard to take. So the kids and I made him a fish cake (cut the cake into a fish shape and made silver frosting - even took an extra piece and made a on the side of it's belly!).
I cooked roast with all the fixings. The kids bought and wrapped him presents from the sporting goods store. We had a small party and kept things light.

THis is such a welcome change from a year ago - as he moved out between our birthdays (8 days apart).

I kind of blew it in that when he came to bed he reached for me, but I was just about asleep and didn't respond. Then I fell asleep. I did wake him up this morning though and apologized for being so sleepy last night. I even had a new lacy black number on - and mentioned it to him so he knows I was sincere if exhausted.

There are definately moments when we are tested. For example, the kids had an 8 a.m. game on Saturday, I got up and ready, then woke them up. Then I was getting them ready, fed and out the door - all while H only took care of himself. This is a source of frustration for me and leads to anger. So I take the kids to the ballpark and on the way realize that the kids didn't bring water. I called home and didn't get an answer, so I called my H's cell phone and left a message - kind of smart a&&ed. He called back and asked me if I had an attitude. I did but just told him I was giving him a hard time. Whew - got through that one, he brought them water and it was done. BUt it is moments like that that I need to remind myself to ask for what I want - not to fume about it silently.

So later on that day, I mentioned that in the future it would be helpful if he helped in getting them ready to go to activities because we were less likely to forget or be late. Haven't tested it yet - but time will tell.

Another thing, H wasn't sure that kids needed to go see aunt at hospice. However, my concern is that they hear someone close to them is sick and then the next time they see them is at the wake. So when their grandparents are sick sometime, they will be afraid they will die too?

The kids were actually a welcome site at the hospice. My S3 and S6 went up to her and touched her hand and said hi. My D9 sat in the room for a bit and then went outside. Upon her return the nurse was in there so she asked if it was "appropriate" for her to be back in the room - I was so proud of her! I don't want them to dread these things like their dad does.

I think this comes from losing my B3 when I was 9. It gave me an appreciation and understanding that carries with me even now.

Anyway, our R is being tested by things outside of our R - does that make sense? DBing will see me through.

H has also taken on more responsibility at work so I am trying to offer more support in that regard. His stress level will increase and while he may not show it there, I know he will be tired and need extra TLC at home.

Well, how is that for boring....

I am glad that this journaling might help someone - DNO found similarities in our sitches that might help her as her H draws closer.

So pardon the rambling, but know that it helps me to journal and others too!

Pray for us this week as we mourn the loss of H's aunt will you?

Posted By: love_endures4ever Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/03/04 03:36 PM
Hi Totite,


There are definately moments when we are tested. For example, the kids had an 8 a.m. game on Saturday, I got up and ready, then woke them up. Then I was getting them ready, fed and out the door - all while H only took care of himself. This is a source of frustration for me and leads to anger. So I take the kids to the ballpark and on the way realize that the kids didn't bring water. I called home and didn't get an answer, so I called my H's cell phone and left a message - kind of smart a&&ed. He called back and asked me if I had an attitude. I did but just told him I was giving him a hard time. Whew - got through that one, he brought them water and it was done. BUt it is moments like that that I need to remind myself to ask for what I want - not to fume about it silently.

Can I ever relate to this! When H and I were at S4's tball game, H would say "S needs this" go take it to him or "go tell S this" "yell at S to stand up" and I'm thinking why don't you just tell him. Do you think it goes back to the way their mother's raised them? I know my mom did everything for my Bro's and they had to learn the hard way when they got married. I tell my SS that it's better learn it now and get used to doing it than learing after he gets married.

Sounds like everything is going great for you two. My H has never worn a wedding ring, he didn't like the plain gold ban I bought him for him and I never got a replacement. I will get him one down the road, just not sure when.

I like the fish cake idea, my H's 50th is in December and I'm planning a surprise party for him..ssshhhhh.

Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/08/04 04:25 AM

BUt it is moments like that that I need to remind myself to ask for what I want - not to fume about it silently.

Boy have you hit the nail on the head! I realize when I am fuming, somewhere hidden in the fuming is something I could have been doing to help offset this drama! A continuing learning process.

Sorry for all the hardships you two are facing, but glad H has you to turn to.

I finally couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer and blurted out one night when he was going to put his ring back on. He was waiting for valentine's day as a present (I later found out), but instead said, whey don't you go get it and put it on. Goes back to the ask for what you want.

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/08/04 11:29 PM
Hi all,

Well, the funeral is over and life is settling back down. Our schedules are still out of whack a bit, but H going back to work and kids going to vacation bible school this week should help.

In among all the family dealings, I had two, possibly three, new consulting gigs come my way. I am not sure that I can even do all of them. This working out of my home is really taking off!

I just have to keep enforcing with everyone that I do have to work - and they need to support that. It will get easier (I hope) when school starts again. S3 (4 next week) will start preschool 3 days a week, so I will have some more running to do, but also more hours by myself to get work and things done.

Last night, I woke up to find H sleeping out on couch. Then S6 crawled in with me. I couldn't get back to sleep as right away the nagging feeling of "now what" enters in my brain. I asked H why he was out there and he said he couldn't get comfortable. I commented that I couldn't sleep with him gone, but didn't say that it is because I worry about something being wrong with us.

I will let him know my worries tonight. I sometimes think I have made it so easy for him to come back - and I want to - but I also need to let him know when I get scared that old feelings, behaviors or patterns are emerging.

I saw a sign on a church today that said, "Forgiving is painful, but not forgiving is more painful."

I think that is so true. I have forgiven H for leaving and for his EA. Now I need to insert the word "forgetting" into that statement and do the same thing. When H moved home, I told him I could forgive his actions, but forgetting them would take longer. In fact, my post to Dagny touches on that today.

I really believe that those of us with success in getting our WAS home, owe it to everyone to post the mundane things that keep the new R going and growing. Most of the DBing stuff is geared toward getting your H (or W) home, but once they get home, the tips and resources aren't as plentiful. Oh, the DB things still apply, but you have to take them to a new level.

I think this is especially true if you are the one who has done the DBing and reading. My H didn't DB, hasn't read the books that I am aware of, so are his expectations now different from mine? Coming from a different, non-DB, perspective? Oh well, onward and onward!

Life is surreal, the "one year ago" thoughts try to enter in, but I am determined not to relive the past year by marking each of those things. I am more interested in making new memories and traditions.

I continue to "live as if" and work on me. I need to keep up the work I began around the house and friendships I renewed that supplied me strength. Also, I need to keep providing support to the BB family as it did for me!
Posted By: DownNotOut Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/09/04 03:13 AM
Totite, I am so sorry to hear about your H's aunt. He will need time to grieve the loss.

Thank you for posting the mundane parts of your R. You are right that DBing is geared towards getting the spouse home. But what do we do with them when they turn back towards us? Some of DBing still applies, but does it all? No R talks is the rule, but eventually some of these things have to be dealt with.

I don't want to fall into old habits, but I don't know what old habits may have driven him away in the first place. But then, no R talks....AAARRGGHHHHHH!!!!!!

I guess we just realized that marriage is work.

My biggest problem is learning to deal with my own insecurities--most of which I never had until my H left me and lived with OW. I have forgiven him, but as you say, forgetting is something else. I don't think that we will ever forget what happened--the trick is to not remind them of it all the time.

Now, if I could just get mine home.....

Posted By: TKKC1 Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/16/04 03:22 AM
Hi Totite,

I sense some resentment in your post that your H did not take an interest in DB methods and therefore you are still the only one aware of this "secret" formula that now guides your actions. If he reads it or not, I think it is important to share your new perspective on things as they arise so at least he can understand your thought process. Without this disclosure, you could be depriving your R of the extra stamina it may need when challenging times arise. It doesn't mean he has to subscribe to everything the book espouses but it would probably be interesting to solicit alternatives from him if he wasn't comfortable with one of the priciples. Solutions mutually crafted can be much more effective and, who knows, he might have some great ideas to "tweak" what you are already doing. It just sounds like you are still the one carrying much of the heavy weight and that can get tiring and frustrating.

Just my thoughts...be well (I'm very happy for you!)

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/17/04 01:55 PM
Hi there,


I don't want to fall into old habits, but I don't know what old habits may have driven him away in the first place. But then, no R talks....AAARRGGHHHHHH!!!!!!

Oh DNO, you hit that one on the head! Sure I have some idea of what went wrong, SSM didn't help matters, but what other things led to his actions? I may never know.

TKKC1, I am glad you stopped by. I didn't mean to sound like I resented that my H didn't DB like me. After all, I read DB and DR as well as LL and other books. But I am a reader by nature. I gave my H DB and don't know if he read it. But obviously, somewhere along the line, he DB'd in his own way or he wouldn't be home.

I am not naive enough to think that I did this all by myself. After all, he had an EA and told her he wasn't interested in a PA and cut things off. That meant the things lined up just right for both of us at the same time - and moved forward from there.

We had a busy family weekend and another wonderful thing happened that further affirmed that my H is again the man that I love and married. We got a new lab puppy. I bought him one almost 16 years ago that we had to put down 3 years ago. That was another difficult factor in an already strained relationship. I don't think he grieved for that dog and maybe even had resentment toward me when we put him down, but he was 13 and his hips were bad and he couldn't do his business outside but would inside - and with a 10-month old crawling around, well you can imagine.

The kids have been asking for a new pup for a long time and he was insistant that we wouldn't get one. I would have gotten one back then so I left the decision up to him. We were at an outdoor event Saturday and ran into a trainer we know and he had pups with from his own dog. And we brought one home.

Now I just have to get used to getting up with a little one at night again. I do this part since working from home allows me to grab a nap if necessary and H has to be awake at the office. But since lab pups are so smart, he went from 11 to almost 6 already today! Yeah. So far only two nights of getting up and even then it wasn't until 3:30 or so.

The kids are so happy! H is happy! I am happy!

S3 is 4 today. We had family and friends over to celebrate on Sunday. I did much of the prep but when asked, H stepped in to do certain things - and he did all the grilling! In the past, I would have killed myself getting things ready and built up resentment in doing so - this time I asked for help and got it. I know - I was an idiot for not asking in the past! Don't have to hit me with that 2x4!

Well, off to get some work done on 1 of the 4 consulting projects I have going! Have to get my workspace more organized too. Found another organizing website (getorganizednow.com) with a great weekly newsletter that isn't quite as overwhelming as FlyLady. But I still use some of that too.

Thanks for all you support as always! I miss getting on here sometimes but usually lurk every day. I try to keep up with the regulars and offer some support to new folks.

Have a great day!
Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/18/04 01:01 AM
Hi Totite!

Your S4 and my H share the same b-day.

You are right, we work hard to get them back and then it is all left up in the air. Like we lost our road map, it reached the end of one road with out a map for the next part.

I like the asking for help part! It sounds so simple, but isn't always something to execute, but can do wonders. I do let him know every once in a while I need reassurances. If I say it right, he is happy to provide it, not blaming, just simple statement of what I need. But, I'm sure I don't do it enough.

Glad to hear all the good news there. Preschool should help out your work commitment, incredible what you can get done in just a few hours of non kid time.

Posted By: imalright Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/20/04 11:34 AM

Just stopping by to see how you are doing! You rock, girl!
It is nice to see that Dbing is working for so many here! You are all keeping the hope alive for all of us struggling and not getting anywhere!

Posted By: love_endures4ever Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/22/04 11:16 AM
Hi Totite,

Haven't been around much, sounds like things are going great for you, but I wasn't expecting anything less!!

My S4 went to his first b-day party yesterday, first he didn't want to go, wanted to know if I was coming. Went to buy the gift and my goodness, what an experience that was and a good lesson for me. First of all do not take S4 with me and then pick out a toy that S4 wants, tantrum ensued at Target it took all my strength to get out of the store as S4 was trying to hit me and then not follow me..yes I was the mother with the awful child! Ended up breaking down and letting S4 have the toy and went to by another toy for b-day boy. S4 played with the toy, then decided he didn't want it and that I could wrap it up for b-day boy. I said no, you are not giving them to him, it's out of the box and NO you cannot have the TOY we just bought for b-day boy.

Next time I shop by myself for birthday toy, wrap it up and sent it along with S4 so that he doesn't know what it is.

S4 had a great time and said to me "you were right, I did have a good time" he is so darn cute these days! Some days I look at him and say "are you really 4 or 4 going on 12?

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/26/04 12:42 PM
Hey all,

Thought I should get on here and journal a bit, but first want to say hi to Deb, TKKC1, Dagny, Cathy...

Cathy, I can relate to the shopping horrors - especially a toy store, but magnify it to include 3 kids! UGH! Luckily, my response is usually, "my answer isn't going to change no matter how many times you ask"

Did the clothes shopping for D9 and S6 the other day. D9 is a tall girl for her age and it is hard to find age-appropriate stuff for her. We managed to find enough to get her started. Luckily she is pretty easy to please. S6 is tall and slim for his age and finding pants that fit is a real treat.

On the H front, things continue to move along. It is precarious at times because the clutter challenge around the house still bugs him, but I am working on it. My neighbor and I are having a fall garage sale in a few weeks and that will help move some things out of here. H knows that I am trying and is going to set the garage up for us again - just like he did back in April.

We had a great family weekend with my dad. We took the kids and grandpa and went out to where grandpa grew up for the county fair, including a demolition derby. There is a log building from our homested farm at the fairgrounds as part of a historical society area so the kids saw that too.

Then we stayed at my uncle's farm house, visited the church that grandpa went too as a kid, saw the gravesites of my grandparents and great grandparents. Took the kids to the farm that grandpa grew up (my cousin lives there now). So grandpa got to show them his stomping grounds - and share a bit of his childhood with his grandkids. Meant alot to me too.

Also, H hunts out there so he checked out things - and was really good about just sitting back and observing the sentimental journey. Not his favorite thing - but he was really good about it.

I simply went up to him smiling and said thank you. He said what for? I said - for this weekend. He just shrugged it off, but got the message.

Life has been busy and shows no signs of slowing down. With school, preschool, hockey, piano, etc all starting again, it just keeps moving along.

My next goal is to have a date with my H. We haven't had one yet. We need to make the effort to have alone time away from the kids. A challenge - yes, do-able - yes. So I think I just need to plan something. If I wait for him to do it, I am not sure when it will happen. But, this is scary territory, because I am the planner in our family and generally plan our outings, I don't want him to feel forced into anything. How I approach this is yet to be determined.

Anyway, have to wake up the other two kids, let the puppy out, and get ready to go to the zoo with our former child care provider. She and I are taking 14 kids there for the day. Wish me luck!

Have a great day all!
Posted By: DownNotOut Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/29/04 04:38 PM
Hi Totite, Just wondering if you survived your trip to the zoo!! You are a brave woman!!! 14 kids--I can barely keep track of my own three!!

You asked me on my thread about dating H. I say, ask him out. Find somewhere for the kids to be and go out. Don't make elaborate plans--maybe just dinner at one of your favorite restaurants or maybe even some place new. I mean, all he can say is no, right?! Maybe it will get the ball rolling on some alone time.

I just said to my H, 'Mom is taking the boys for the evening on Saturday night. Would you like to go out to dinner with me?' Surprised him, but he said yes. You can read my thread about the outing. Wish it had been longer and that the evening had went in another direction, but....we've been told it takes a month for every year married to fix this mess. Guess that means I have 20 months to go. Oh well, I'm in it for the long haul, and I know that you are too.

Good luck, DNO
Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 09/03/04 11:51 AM

Things sound good there! We went to our first demolition derby this summer, it was a hoot! Will your H come and organize a garage sale for me?

I vote yes for getting out on that date! That is the one thing we have failed on and that the T always got mad at us for, she thought we should be out once a week without the kids, but would settle for every other week. I think we are on the twice a year schedule. It is what every T and book says, make time for just the two of you! When you figure out how to do it with a busy life, let me know!

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 09/13/04 06:44 PM
Hey there,

Well, the fall garage sale is over. My last attempt this year to get rid of stuff, reduce clutter and make a real dollar or two. Next up, the donation truck is coming in two weeks to pick up the leftovers. I have also arranged to donate some of the winter clothing items to our school for kids who don't have any.

Leading up to the sale though, H prepped the garage by moving the classic car out of it, moving everything not included in the sale to the 3rd stall, and hanging tarps to block that stall off from the rest. He knows I am trying to de-clutter - so this is his contribution.

Needless to say, in the nights leading up to the sale, I was up late doing prep. I also had a early morning meeting and left before everyone was up. So H and I hadn't connected at all - . So yesterday, we made it up with some early morning and mid-afternoon antics!

Adding to the chaos, hockey is in full swing - both S6 and D9 started last week. And to our surprise, S4 wants to try too. I let him skate briefly on Saturday - and he may play Mites in a few weeks.

This stuff is important to the DBing process because my H and I have to work as a team and communicate well to survive all of this. Tonight we have three things on the calendar - a mandatory preschool orientation for S4 and us alone (no siblings), hockey practice for D9 and curriculum night for D9. And H has to work late.

He offered to try to come home early, but I got MIL to cover hockey and take S6 with her. I will take S4 to his and I talked to D9's teacher and said I won't be there.

The test is HOW TO REMAIN A COUPLE AFTER BECOMING PARENTS . This is the part that they need to teach in the pre-marriage classes. This is the part that tests any couple, but especially one back from the brink.

That is why I continue to come here. The need for support is on-going. When we hit bumps in the road, we need to be able to step back, evaluate and make the right decision about how to 1. work around the bump 2. Go slowly over the bump to avoid to much jarring or 3. hit it hard and fast and get it over with.

Those are my thoughts for the day. It has been since the end of May that H returned and our 13th anniversary is in November. Last year at this time I believed we would be together because I wouldn't let myself believe anything else. And now we will be! Woohoo!

PS - No date yet, but we're working on it!
Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 09/18/04 03:23 PM
Hey totite,

Waiting for the next update here!

Thanks for the enthusiasm on my thread.

I am working on moving more stuff today but have to run my car to the shop.

Maybe some day I will actually get my thread updated!!!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 09/19/04 04:16 PM
Thanks Pam,

The update will have to wait a few days. I am flying out to Virgina this evening to present at a conference tomorrow. I have to pack and stuff.

Not sure about flying into the hurricane weather, but just have to put it in God's hands. I am used to tornados and stuff in this neck of the woods.

My S4 is sad about me leaving and has given me one of this "night-nights" to take with along with a few books that I can read him at night when we "cuddle" on the phone. He's so cute. I haven't traveled since he was younger so he isn't used to it any more.

I'll be back mid-week, have a good one!
Posted By: JinBklyn Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 11/19/04 10:30 PM

Where are you? I am wondering how things are going over in post-Piecing. It's a rough road for a lot of us, as we grapple with issues of trust, "is this for real," old patterns of behavior, etc.

How are you doing it? What challenges are you facing?

Let us hear from you!
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 11/22/04 03:32 PM
Hey Jennifer,

Thanks for checking up on me. I am still here in the lurking mode. I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to hear from me...

Things are going well. My H and I are getting better at saying what we need to "out loud" and not expect the other to "mind read".

In fact, tomorrow is our 13th anniversary. We don't have any plans. D9 has hockey practice at dinner time so maybe a little private celebration at bedtime will have to do or dinner at a later date.

My best gift is that we are back together where we belong and not apart like last year. We have never done much to mark our anniversary - we started a collection of wooden decoys when we got married. We didn't add to it last year so I am thinking we should get two this year - we'll see.

My H came home for "lunch" last week one day. S4 was playing on the computer and none the wiser as to what mommy and daddy were really doing.

There are still times of confusion and uncertainty, but I am confident that we can overcome anything. I am certain that the OW (EA) is long gone. H is very committed to us and we are having fun again.

We talk, laugh and goof around in a way that had been gone from our relationship for a long time. You don't realize it is gone, but once it is back, you wonder how you let it slip away.

I have to catch up with some of my regulars - I have been lurking when I can, but need to drop in just to say hi if nothing else.

I'll let you know if the anniversary holds any surprises. But again, I feel like I received the best gift of all.

I continue to pray for those on this BB as it helped me recapture my M.
Posted By: kml Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 11/22/04 03:37 PM

I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to hear from me...

Of course we do!

As for the anniversary - our first anniversary after reconciling was okay, not spectacular - but H made our second anniversary after reconciling really special. I think it took that long for him to process the guilt.

Posted By: Livnlearn Please visit more often! - 11/22/04 08:45 PM
Please stay in touch totite!

We can use all the advice and wisdom that we can get! And hearing from those who have got their Ms back on track is just great!

Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 11/23/04 01:25 PM

I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to hear from me...

If I understand some of my behaviours correctly I could pick on you here!

It is very good to hear from you again. I miss people when they leave and you wonder are they still doing alright.

Have an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving!! Lots to be thankful for this year.
Posted By: TKKC1 Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 11/30/04 04:24 AM
I am so happy for you totite! You sound like things are going well for you. I bet not playing the "mind reading" game really helps things. You truly are an inspiration and I pray that your M continues to grow and be blessed.

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 01/05/05 02:09 PM
Yes, I am still around. I lurk occassionally but with my schedule of late, haven't posted in a while.

Happy New Year everyone!

Let me back up and recap a bit. My H and I have never made a big deal of our anniversary (Nov) but had established a tradition of buying an item for a collection we started together. The past few years we hadn't rushed out to buy anything. However, this year, my H went out and bought one and gave it to me on our anniversary. No card, but his effort spoke volumes. I gave him a card and a naughty lingerie item which I modeled after the kids went to bed....

The holidays went well, the hardest part is that my mom is has the early signs of Alzheimers and since she always prepares dinner, my sister and I tried to help without taking over. Needless to say, it was interesting and probably the last time we can let her make it.

With two kids playing hockey, we have been spending alot of time at the rink. I also started playing again, one late evening each week. That has been a blast. Usually 12-16 women scrimmaging. A nice night out for mom. I just have a hard time getting to sleep after I creep back home to a dark, quiet house. I am too wired from playing so hard.

Good news on that front too. My H has taken a great interest in our backyard rink. We moved the location of the rink so we could make it larger this year. Last year it was about 30x50 feet. This year it is closer to 40x65 feet. He put boards up at each end so the kids can shoot pucks. And he has gone out nightly to flood it. With any luck they will be skating on it by the weekend.

My S4 can hardly wait. He isn't playing hockey yet so he wants to skate in his backyard instead.

In fact, I have to bundle up, run out and put a layer of water on it now. The more I can do during the day, means the faster we have ice to skate on! Woo-hoo!

More on the R between H and I later. But it is going well.

I would comment to all of you here that it can be done. My H moved out for almost 10 months and he chose to move back. All of my piecing efforts ocurred after he left our home. I didn't even know about DB prior to his leaving.

There are so many posts here that I can relate too, but can't go on every thread. I'll try to address some of the issues and struggles as I see them - but do it here. Okay?

(Thanks Pam, for putting a candle under me to post!)
Posted By: holdingon Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 01/06/05 04:50 AM
So nice to hear from you!
Posted By: slowly Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 01/06/05 09:11 AM


There are so many posts here that I can relate too, but can't go on every thread. I'll try to address some of the issues and struggles as I see them - but do it here. Okay?

More than OK It is rejuvenating to hear how life is like post successful reconciliation, and we appreciate the updates!

Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/17/05 12:58 AM
Hellloooo! To all my old DB friends and any new folks interested enough to open this up!

I'm back to update and link you all to a great article that I came across over the weekend.

I do, I do - article about couples that remarry each other

This article is about couples that remarry - each other. It talks about what drew them back to each other - people admit their mistakes in thinking that changing their mate made them happy. I can soooo relate to that one - I tried telling my H that when he moved out, but it was something he had to discover on his own.

Lucky for me, he discovered it relatively quickly compared to some of the other WAS on this BB.

I'd say that the biggest stumbling block in our new R is that I am hesitant to being vulnerable again. I know I have to be in order to fully engage in the R, but it is tough. I have this nagging voice in my head that I shouldn't do it so I won't get hurt again.

For the most part though, things are good. We tend to talk about a variety of topics - conversing had gone by the wayside as things deteriorated. We try to discuss things when we don't agree - we were good at avoidance before.

So we while we both learned from the past mistakes, we still have a long way to go.

I do lurk on familiar threads, but if someone wants some insights, please drop me a line and I'll see if I can provide any perspective.

My H and I are still piecing, but maybe I'll convince JJ to start a forum for those of us who successfully reunited with our WAS but don't post as often any more. It would make it easier for those looking for a lift to find us. I had to really dig to find this thread.
Posted By: Livnlearn Please visit again! - 02/17/05 07:11 AM
Hello there totite!

Thanks for coming back to update us. It is quite important to us here to know that couples get back together long term, and that reconciliations are not just flashes in the pan, or temporary fixes for loneliness, confusion, whatever.

And we need to know that 'getting back together' is not done and dusted in a couple of weeks, that the R takes continual maintenance. Any relationship, but especially a marriage, is like cultivating a gardern - it needs care, attention and maintenance! Nurturing too - that's a nice word.

I couldn't link to the article, it said, 'page not found'. Can you help?

As for your offer to help with insights, yes please!

Can you tell us anything that your H told you about how he saw things from his point of view - how he came to see that coming back to you was best, why, and how difficult it was. What did you do to make it possible for him - when he must have had to deal with issues such as losing face, admitting he was wrong, reversing stuff he told you at the time of the bombshell, fear that things would go back to the same old same old, etc etc.


Posted By: psluke Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/17/05 10:32 AM
Hello totite!

Nice to hear from you again!!!
Posted By: Growing Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/17/05 03:10 PM
It is great to hear from you again. I miss your insight. I am so happy things are working out for you.

I would love to read the article, but the link did not work. Could you repost it.

Posted By: alaskangal Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/17/05 08:43 PM
Totite, I love the fact that things are going well for you! Me, too!

Cheers! And Big Hugs, Akgal
Posted By: alaskangal Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/20/05 08:27 PM

Hugs, Akgal
Posted By: inawe2004 Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/21/05 01:33 AM
Hi totie,
Have a few questions. my H and I are working on piecing.
I was wondering if your H ever moved out?
When you and H decided to be together did he still talk to
If so what did you do?
Would love to read article can't find thou
Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 02/28/05 05:50 PM
Hi Totite,

Glad things are going so well for you. I wanted to do an ice rink in the back yard this winter, but we didn't have the weather for it this year. H thinks I'm nuts, but after all this time he should be used to it.

Stay cool,

Posted By: Jamesjohn Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/12/05 09:41 PM
Posted By: totite Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/16/05 08:07 PM
Thanks JamesJohn! I lurk here often and post to DNO quite a bit over in Surviving. I am wondering when you might create a forum for the successful folks to post occasionally. I can't come on all the time, but can try to provide insight at times. Just a thought...

My H came home almost 15 months ago and there are still things to learn from DBing. It doesn't end when they come back - a new chapter begins. The "living AS IF" must continue or trouble and doubt can return. You don't want to go back to the same old stuff - you want the new and improved version of your M.

As I said, I'm around - and will add my $.02 when I can!
Posted By: rottzilla Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 08/17/05 07:27 PM
JJ - great suggestion by totite - a success forum would be great. It would help us to post what worked for us, and give inspiration to newbies or even people piecing that are feeling like "when will this work" or even "does this work?" And very nice of you totite to stick around. I am personally very grateful to this BB and I am trying hard to "give back" by posting to people needing help. It just seems so hard when your H comes back to you, doesn't it? Suddenly, you have so much to do in your life. Happily, of course.
Posted By: Dagny Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 09/07/05 11:29 AM
Love the idea--a place for old timers!

Hey T--glad all is going well. Things have settled here, were trying to work on what we have learned (take time for ourselves), not always perfect, but striving.

Posted By: kml Re: H is home! Marriage wins! - 09/07/05 04:59 PM
Hi Jackie!!!!
Good to hear from you, girl!

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