Posted By: Viking 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/07/17 10:55 AM
My husband and I have been living apart for 3 years. It began because he worked 3rd shift and it was difficult to function. We made a studio apt. In a building we own together less than 1/4 mile from our home. This summer we will be married 16 yrs. He has loved his new man cave and all his friends dropping by, burning the burn pile, lots of drinking, etc. The perfect place to ignore family, problems, responsibilities. Things got more and more heated between us and I told him to go find someone else. Well, he took that ball and ran with it.
Fast forward, he began an emotional affair with a girl that hangs out at the dive bar he goes to every Friday night. I found her at his apt. 6 months ago, right when the affair turned physical.
He of course says he loves her, they have a connection, and although he loves me he's not in love w/me anymore. All classic stuff.
We have a good sex life and have continued that once a week throughout all of this. He can't decide between the two of us. I've done a lot of pulling back after I said my piece and am trying to implement DB stuff. I think it helps here and there, but we"re 6 months into this now and I'm getting worn out.
He has a new job with a little better schedule. I want to keep my family together, my husband and I love each other, I know it, but this girl and her two young kids are getting a more firm hold all the time. Also, we have a 12 yr old son who found out from a kid at school. We're also smack in the middle of adoption proceedings for our baby daughter who is now 1 1/2. Ugh...
Posted By: Cristy Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/10/17 04:56 AM
Hello Viking,

I'm so sorry for the situation you are in.

I went ahead and moved you to Newcomers so that more people will see your post and be able to offer support.

Little compares to the devastation people feel when they discover their spouse has been unfaithful. Couples often struggle to get past intense emotional pain, mistrust, resentment and never ending arguments about the betrayal. Healing from infidelity is achievable for both of you with the right support and tools.

Knowing what to do and what not to do at this point is crucial. Feel free to give me a call at 303-444-7004 to discuss how we can best help you determine what to do next.


Resource Coordinator
The Divorce Busting Center
Posted By: Cadet Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/10/17 05:30 AM
Welcome to the board

Sorry you are here but you will meet some wonderful people here and get some great advice.

The first thing you should do is be sure to read the Divorce Remedy (DR) book by MWD

and Michele's articles

You may be on moderation now, post in small frequent replies and stay on this thread until you reach 100 posts
(for your thread, you can also post on other peoples threads to give support).
Especially on this Newcomers forum, where the posting activity is very active,
and your posts can quickly fall to the bottom of the page or even several pages down.
Keep journaling and asking questions - people will come!
Most important - POST!

Get out and Get a Life (GAL).


Believe none of what he or she says and half of what he/she does.


Take care of yourself, breathe, eat, sleep, exercise.

Take the parts of this advice that you need and don't worry if I have repeated something that you have already done.

Here are a few links to threads that will help you immensely:

I would start with Sandi's Rules
A list of dos and don'ts for the LBS (left behind spouse)

Going Dark

Detachment thread

Validation Cheat Sheet: Techniques and tips on how to validate (showing your walk away spouse (WAS) that you recognize and accept his or her opinions as valid, even if you do not agree with them)

Boundaries Cheat Sheet


For Newcomer LBH with a Wayward Wife by sandi2

Resource thread

Stages of the LBS


Pursuit and Distance

The Lighthouse Story

Your H or W is giving you a GIFT.
USE it wisely.

Knowledge is Power - Sir Francis Bacon
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/24/17 09:22 AM
Well, I'm doing my best to let him live his life and see this affair through. Can't control him, I know. He's really dug his heels in. What is surprising me is how completely unraveled I am. My crying has been out of control. I'm also very distracted about the time they spend together. My resume is done and I'm applying for jobs...trying to GAL, but I feel so, so hurt.
Posted By: SJW Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/24/17 11:54 AM
OMG Viking you are still having sex with this man???? You need to stop right now girl he is having his cake and eating it big time. If he wants to have sex with you and be part of a family he needs to stop A right now. You need to read some of the threads on here, get the books and read, DR I find easier but up to you. Can we have some more details so we can support you better, your age, H's age, kids, how long together, etc.

Sorry to sound harsh but it's out of concern.

Posted By: 25yearsmlc Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/24/17 03:20 PM
Hi Viking

So sorry you are here, but it's one of the best places for a lousy reason. (there are other approaches but to be clear, though we are pro marriage, we are not pro marriage "at any costs".

Plus, often, the best way to save a marriage and restore it (as opposed to just staying legally m), is to save yourself. Be the best woman you can be.

Become a woman only a fool would leave,

but be prepared for your h to be a fool.

Originally Posted By: Viking
My husband and I have been living apart for 3 years. It began because he worked 3rd shift and it was difficult to function. We made a studio apt. In a building we own together less than 1/4 mile from our home.

okay to recap, you guys have lived apart or he's had a man cave a block away for 3 years? Okay I'm not trying to bash you, so forgive me if I sound too skeptical or judgmental. I'm simply confused as to what the plan was for the family and marriage if you were effectively separated for so long. And adopting.

Did you guys both think it was temporary? If so, when was the planned end of this arrangement?

Because It just looks like he was living like a single guy but with a wife/mom for his son just down the street? And it looks like it was working fine for him until you discovered the OW, correct?

I don't want to harp on the past choices - but I do want to understand what the history is enough to be able to advise accordingly.

This summer we will be married 16 yrs. He has loved his new man cave and all his friends dropping by, burning the burn pile, lots of drinking, etc. The perfect place to ignore family, problems, responsibilities.

Is your h close to your son?

And can you give more background like what you both do for work, and your ages? Any medical problems in either of you?

What are the problems you think your h wanted to escape? What would HE say if he were here?

Things got more and more heated between us and I told him to go find someone else. Well, he took that ball and ran with it.

when was ^^^ this said? Were you tired of him living the single life while you lived the life of a single mom?

What would be different on a day to day basis, if he chooses OW?

More importunely, perhaps is, what would be different if he were to choose to recommit?

Fast forward, he began an emotional affair with a girl that hangs out at the dive bar he goes to every Friday night. I found her at his apt. 6 months ago, right when the affair turned physical.
He of course says he loves her, they have a connection, and although he loves me he's not in love w/me anymore. All classic stuff.

We have a good sex life and have continued that once a week throughout all of this.

there are many who will say "No sex until he's cleared of STD's." In some cases I agree.

Here, I would rather ask you "is staying intimate helping your relationship to repair? AND how are you feeling afterwards?"

Also to be clear, and recap - you discovered the OW in the apartment and confronted him then & there , correct?

So he did not come forward to disclose her, but then claimed that the affair only became physical when you discovered it? Did he express remorse?

While you believe that reconciling is the fix for this, you need to know it's only the beginning of a long process called "Piecing", which is harder than you can now imagine.

I say this^^ b/c when you are reeling from the discovery of an Affair, it's too difficult to see the big, long hard road in front of you.

He can't decide between the two of us.

well maybe his indecision IS a decision...

So you have a son and another child you are trying to adopt (reconsider that choice NOW if you cannot be a single parent.)

Viking, Let's get real. I believe in hope for troubled marriages.

I have seen some lasting reconciliations. I myself thought I was a success story for several years, and credit DBing with getting another decade of relative stability for my d's.

But the reality is that The odds are against you staying married in your situation.

Prepare yourself for this ^^^^ AND THEN move forward in your DB approach. Please listen to me on this one thing if nothing else...

prepare your finances and protect yourself legally, not just for you but for your son

Your h has already justified several crappy choices and besides, he can argue that he got permission from you. He may argue that your comment to find someone else was a result of some character flaw in YOU, not him.

And he will likely justify needing more money for his new life, perhaps without even consciously realizing it. He's gone from the family a whole lot now, and he's only a block or two away?? I mean, his "family time" priorities have been revealed.

Gird yourself for some ugly surprises. Slow down the adoption unless you truly believe you can manage parenting alone, b/c he may not bond with the baby -- but instead get his daddy fix while bonding instead, on OW's kids...

I know that^^^^ hurts and I am so sorry.

I've done a lot of pulling back after I said my piece and am trying to implement DB stuff. I think it helps here and there, but we"re 6 months into this now and I'm getting worn out.

I can understand this^^^. Not sure what pulling back means but I understand the whole feeling of being worn out.

What if it were to take another year for your h to "decide"? What if he changes his mind? I'm just saying that this is a marathon, not a sprint. And it's quite hard.

And finally, if he were to "wake up" tomorrow, are you truly ready for what would have to come later??

Is he likely to have a seismic change within, and want to do the work needed, and are you?
Sometimes when you are really down and feeling as if a divorce would be the worst thing possible,

ask yourself how different your daily life would be, given that he's a part timer now?

So you know, my h became part time commuting on weekends (after months of being away in Alaska, etc)

and my 3 biggest regrets are that 1) I was not fully present with my 3 kids when h and I were apart, b/c I was way too preoccupied with what H was doing / feeling or thinking


2) we did not piece well. Once we reconciled, my MIL got cancer and we shelved piecing. Plus, since I felt we had "fixed" things by reconciling - I did not press h to seek counseling on his own. Huge mistake.

I felt he had "learned" his lesson, but I was foolish to believe that.

I believed what I believed to validate my choice to stay. H did not seek out IC to figure out how he could leave me and our 2 d's then (s31 was off in college)
and h did not seek to understand how he could morally defend some very selfish choices. (*Then again, if h had gone to IC and been fully honest, who knows what he'd discover? Or what I'd have learned and decided?? Maybe that family was not THE priority to him, even though saying it out loud would have made him look bad. Maybe I'd have faced the face that while his wants were the focus of our family and the priority, we were pretty much an option for him...)*

3) I spent a lot of energy maintaining the illusion that my h had both feet all in to our marriage and family, when there was a lot of evidence to the contrary - like being a part time dad/h for a long time. FTR we once had a very good, possibly even "great" m, but the changes in our r were insidious and liquid like, so they were harder to notice while happening. Then you realize that they've had a foot out the door for awhile...

SMH at myself more lately.

I think your h regrets the "collateral damage" his choices cause, but not in a way that
YOU need (btw, you get to have needs, too) or that helps him man up and make a choice.
He is getting to eat a whole lot of cake.

He has a new job with a little better schedule. I want to keep my family together,

sorry but here is a gentle 2 x 4.

Viking, your family has not been together for 3 years. So my question is,

what difference will it make to you in terms of lifestyle, if he is with OW? Because you have to make a choice too.

Would have been "content" enough to go on like this in a part time marriage, endlessly, if not for the OW? Dig deep. Ego almost always plays a part in our choices and that does not mean we are wrong to have that, we have egos! But we have to scrutinize what we are working for and trying to save.

my husband and I love each other, I know it, but this girl and her two young kids are getting a more firm hold all the time.

OTOH he can't miss what he has, which is both of you. Time with her will reveal that she is human and thus, flawed.

and She may not be leaving anytime soon, so it's up to you to let the consequences of life be felt.

NOT that you are "teaching him a lesson' or punishing him. That is not your job. Life teaches the lessons. Let it. What are your boundaries?

So stop covering for him. Stop enabling. Give him something to miss.

I literally have not seen any couples reconcile without the LBS dropping the rope and beginning to move on.

In other words, not until the WAS realizes he could lose his marriage/family.

Stop the pursuit and be GAL busy, "too busy" to be intimate with these circumstances, and dp the whole mysterious part, the upbeat PMA

being a woman only a fool would leave. Again, Give him something to miss.

Let him wonder and fear losing you.

And set some boundaries, but only boundaries you will enforce. You may have to figure those out.

Also, we have a 12 yr old son who found out from a kid at school. We're also smack in the middle of adoption proceedings for our baby daughter who is now 1 1/2. Ugh...

1) UGH!

not sure what your son was told, but I am so sorry. Your job is to be the rock for your son, to comfort him with the reassurance that you are there for him, to model strength and dignity in the face of heartbreak. Has your h spoken to your son about it?

2) Encourage time with h and your son - not arranging it for them, but supporting it.

2) also you truly need to drag your feet on the adoption UNLESS you can do it on your own.

And if your h says he's all in, get that in writing for the child support or don't count on it. Seriously.

3) see a lawyer just to get info

you don't "HAVE" to file (or "do" anything) but you do need information.

Knowledge is power and you can find it empowering to know your rights.


Keep posting.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/25/17 12:40 PM
No, we aren't still having sex.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/26/17 01:04 AM
The understanding when he began sleeping at the apt. was that it was a cooling off period and a quiet place to get sleep. It morphed into the situation that it is now over time. We were hoping he would be able to get another job so we could re-group but his job is very specialized and his benefits were incredible, so he never did. This past January he was let go due to downsizing and he got a new job. I was so excited. I was like Finally!!! Then the EA that he was apparently having turned physical right about the same time.
He considered us separated, even though nothing in our lives was separated except the sleeping arrangement. He told me that I told him I didn't love him anymore, something I never said - not even close. I read somewhere that the cheating spouse often rewrites history. I'm seeing ALOT of that from him. I thought I was crazy when I would hear some of the things he would (and still) says about why he's cheating. He doesn't consider this an affair. I guess I've just been completely oblivious.
As far as the adoption, If you have any knowledge whatsoever about adoption, you know that suggesting I drag my feet is insane. It's already gone on a year longer than expected.
Don't worry, I know my legal rights, I have an excellent attorney. If I shake this up and declare I'm adopting alone ( something you can't legally do if you are married) all hell will break loose and the judge that we have will be an even bigger problem than he has been. Adoption is off the table for discussion on this forum.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/26/17 01:06 AM
Oh and...

Me: 53
H 51
M: 16
T: 19
Posted By: Cadet Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/26/17 03:11 AM
Just keep POSTING and one other bit of advice from Wonka
that I totally agree with.

Originally Posted By: Wonka
Get DR/DB book. Keep this to yourself. DO NOT share this book or this site at all with your spouse. It is your playbook and not to be shared with the "opposing" team.

It is important to clear the search/browsing history from your computer on a daily basis to prevent the possibility for your WAS to stumble on the DB site and discover your posts here on DB. Erasing the search history will protect your posts and you as well.

We have seen too many Marriages blow up in pieces after the WAS discovers the DB site or DR book. Why is that? It is because the WAS thinks, erroneously I might add, that you are "manipulating" them back into the M.

Keep the DR book and DB site very close to your vest.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/26/17 10:35 AM
I have and have read all the MWD books. Read every article and watched every video of hers. I can't afford the phone counciling but would love to do that. My books are hidden and no one has access to my computer. I do clear history periodically. I guess there's nothing to do now but GAL and let him have his affair.
Posted By: RR17 Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/26/17 10:58 AM
We can't force anyone to do anything. Show him that you are prepared to be part of his history. NC
Posted By: 25yearsmlc Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/26/17 05:52 PM

just to be clear, I support your adoptions - I just don't want him off the hook for it if he "thinks you were separated"...I want you to figure out if you can do it alone and let's hope you won't have to. I don't know how the law looks at his role if he's leaving.

But yeah so consider making your h financially responsible for that (even if he isn't going to be a big part of her life}). Can you handle it alone? If so, then there's nothing to worry about - but I always favor more support - when there's more who need support.

Make sense?
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/27/17 02:56 PM
Does GAL include dating? Theoretically I'd like to, but I'm struggling with the concept the "two wrongs don't make a right". I feel I've kept my integrity throughout all of this and have found comfort in the knowledge that I've never cheated on my husband, that I've stayed true to our vows and commitment. Now that it's for certain that he will be continuing his relationship with the OW, I don't quite know what to do on my end.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/28/17 04:00 PM
It is complete torture to stand by and watch him blow off our son to be with the OW.
Posted By: dale165 Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 02:52 AM
Hey Viking, lets throw religion and morals to the side on the dating thing. Based on people's experiences I read here is that it will probably muddy the waters. If you have kids that may make it even more difficult in the sense that they are trying to figure out what's going on. Plus you may bring some baggage to a new R that only complicates things further.

I personally wouldn't think its right but I'm also a firm believer in doing what YOU think is right. No one feels exactly the same and has exactly the same mindset. Im sure the odds say no don't do it until this deal is resolved but hey if that's what you want go for it.

FYI - I just remembered reading some posts before that they waited years to do so and even some cases they still was not ready.
Posted By: dale165 Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 02:54 AM
But I know the feeling all to well Viking, just try get your life as you like it then reevaluate.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 04:21 AM
Yeah dale165, I know in my heart that it isn't right. I mean it's seriously the crux of this whole issue.
However I'm honestly jealous of all the fun dates they have. They go out, go away for weekends, etc. It's torture. Plus, we always had an excellent sex
life so I miss intimacy. I'm lonely. I love my kids but I need adult time. Girlfriends are wonderful, but they always want to banter around serious stuff. Thank God for that most of the time, but at this 7mth mark of the A, I need a break.
I don't think this relationship is ending anytime soon.
Posted By: 25yearsmlc Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 04:44 AM

normally I'd agree with Dale, but you have been apart for 3 years. That is a long, long time to be without any romantic love or intimacy...

You also say your h did not believe that this was an affair and that you have been separated all that time, and that it won't end soon. Which is probably true.

As for your son -
I don't think you dating necessarily means bringing OM into your son's life anytime soon. You can control that. So Cross that bridge when you get to it.

(And don't rule out that you could someday model a much healthier M with a committed OM than your son is seeing now. Just saying.)

As for the DB efforts, there is a school of thought that suggests the best/only way your h may realize he'd lose you, is by fearing he's losing you to OM.

That^^ raises the issue of you "using" Om - but you can simply be honest about where you are emotionally, and see where it goes.

*Oh, and you can change your mind*.
Posted By: dale165 Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 05:22 AM
Viking, 25 is much more eloquent than I and she gives great advice! I know you been separated for 3 years but I was under the impression you regularly seen each other and still intimate.

Just do what feels right. As 25 mentioned, using someone could happen. That is one big thing keeping me from doing it.
Posted By: Guzzard Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 05:44 AM
Originally Posted By: dale165
As 25 mentioned, using someone could happen. That is one big thing keeping me from doing it.

It is just my opinion, but date when you are ready to take another person's feelings into account. My sitch is new and fresh yet I have had an opportunity or two that if I were not M, I would have jumped on. I can't do it though because I wouldn't be able to take the other person's feelings into account and that would make me feel much worse than I already do. Just my 2 cents.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 07:47 AM
We have been regularly intimate. That only ended a few weeks ago. We were sleeping apart but there was no other form of separation - none.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 08:16 AM
We were regularly intimate up until about 3 weeks ago. We were sleeping in separate places, but we were not separated in any other way at all throughout the entire 3 years.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 08:22 AM
25: My MIL thinks another man will be the most effective way to possibly reconcile as well. I don't want to use anyone. I would only see someone I was legitimately interested in, and of course be totally honest. I'm not the liar/ cheater in this narrative.
Posted By: 25yearsmlc Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/29/17 03:29 PM
Originally Posted By: Viking
25: My MIL thinks another man will be the most effective way to possibly reconcile as well. I don't want to use anyone. I would only see someone I was legitimately interested in, and of course be totally honest. I'm not the liar/ cheater in this narrative.

I get it.

I am about to date someone I knew long ago. I'm comfortable with him but not sure if the chemistry is there now. (I'll find out)

But I already apologized in advance to him for being the first guy I date after 35 years of m and 2 of dating.

I'm SURE I'll have some weirdnesses. At least I'm self aware, I think...
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 07/30/17 11:23 AM
Gotta start somewhere!

I am an intelligent, educated woman. I assure you we were not "separated". Was I misled and lied to? Fed half truths? Apparently I was, but separated? No, I wasn't.

I want to repair my marriage and keep my family together, but I guess I'll put some feelers out and date. Hopefully/maybe/ I won't want him anymore when all is said and done.
Posted By: Viking Re: 6 month affair he won't give up - 08/01/17 07:06 AM
Now WH appears to be micing.
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