Here is my story as I step back and share again from the beginning and with new lenses…. after posting for a month on the site…


In June, my W and two kids went to her home town for three weeks. She goes back every few years or so. In hind sight we were not as close as we have been historically. She was saying less “I love you-s” and less good hugs. Although we were having sex regularly. While she was gone, she was not good with conversation over the phone. She was distant and hard to get a hold of. I decided there must be something going on with another guy but I had no idea of who it would be and how this would have happened…. Just felt like something must have happened. With my W I knew that I could not confront her about a feeling. I would need data or it would be weird.

When she got back, within the first week, she broke down and said she could not picture a future with us, and when I talked about retirement, she could not picture us together then. She started to cry and she never cries… I mean never. She said I was her best friend and she did not know what to do…. This is all blind siding me. But when she cried…. I knew something must have happened…

So I spent the next couple of months trying to be a better H. I would listen more, be more present, more patient with the kids, attend my sons basketball practice more. We got our first family dog, my W wanted to do it. I took my W out on dates and took the whole family out on dates.

I also told my W she could go back to her home town to see her parents and family since she missed them so….. I had a feeling there was another guy but my approach was to send her back to let her figure it out. (this was before I found this forum).

I think we grew a little closer over the next months.

(I learned after all the revelations that she did have a sinking feeling in her stomach and almost cancelled the trip, she insists she was not going back to see OM)

She goes to home town for 10 days. She routinely turns her find friends ap…. and is not available by phone.

When she returns she is distant and weird…. She gets better each day. I do not have hard data at this point. I have a few phone calls from the June trip that never occur again. Then I manage to hear a conversation about 10 days after she gets back. She is using the talk ap on FB to communicate. Now I know the guys name. During this same time, I found this forum and started with the method of becoming more of a man versus a H and detaching. I stopped the good H on the first day of her return. Started wearing cologne, and to my surprise this was noticed!!!

OK so I read and read. I thought about not telling her I knew about the A per the forum. She was not going to say anything.

After I heard the phone call, I spent the next 5 days being as detached as possible and even went out after work with the guys which I rarely do these days. And no sex. I challenged her on being disrespectful twice during these five days. Both times made her defensive but I stood strong. When I got home from a work dinner on the 5th day she was surprisingly nice…. I thought this detachment thing is working, cologne and focus on work and fitness etc.

On the 6th day, I said I do not want to have sex today after she offered. This was a Saturday. And then I went in to work, and as I left, I was stern and told her to cancel some furniture she had ordered. (this never happens)

30 minutes later, she texts me and says she knows something is wrong and must have filed some divorce papers…and does one of us need to find another place to live….that is right, out of the blue since I have not said anything about knowing about A. I do not respond and come home 90 minutes later. I said what is going on with this text? We talk and she cries. She apologizes for not being able to dance the furniture… it is too late, it is on its way. —I said things like, you are free to make your own choices, I let you go, I do not know what is going on, but I do not own you, you can do what you need to do. etc

She briefly tries to posture, only one time.

On the next day Sunday, we have another tough talk and she cries again. This time she is more reserved and no tough talk or posturing.

Over the next three days ( I know we are at warp speed) She is trying to make things better although we have not talked about A. I did say things have been off and would you like to forget about the last couple of months and just start over. She said yes. I asked her to write down what is important to her in a R. I asked her to share with me what she could do that would make me not love her.

On the third day I asked her if she could tell me some of the friends she hung out with, she said a couple of harmless names..and I said no one else and she said nope. (She told me later that she knew I knew at this point but she was not going to say anything.)

The next morning while we are making eggs and coffee. I said I know it is ______. the guys name. And she said I knew you knew. This was a calm conversation, even a little light hearted.

She was hoping to keep this secret and never reveal it to me. She was ready to end it and realized that she was off and needed to get back to reality etc. This is 6th day (11th day or so since confirming name of A). We had a good day of talking…. and then I had her read the letter she wrote me out loud. I am skeptical but she seems sincere.

I asked her to read some infidelity information and R rebuilding info etc if she was interested. She started.
She realized that she should answer my questions…. even though embarrassing. At first she did not answer my questions but after reading for a couple of days she did. They had sex 3 times in June and 2 times during recent trip. He wore a condom and there was no other touching, oral etc, just sex with her on the bottom. (I know but because I am a stupid man I had to ask) Because there are certain things that my W needs to O and straight sex is not it. I also asked her if she O with him and she said no. No money or anything else moved around… She had sex 5 times….

She says that she only texted on FB with the guy before meeting him in person in home town. He was recently divorced and I think she was supporting him. Supposedly only talked 4-5 times over summer, 3 months. They did not go to dinner or out drinking…. no dates so to speak. Walked his dog a couple of times. She watched him work on his car….

Her reasons for doing it. She did not feel close to me. She did not think I would find out, even her family members in town do not know this person or that my W became friends with him. She felt obligated… which I think means since she was becoming close to him with the conversations…. why not help him out by sleeping with him. I asked her why she did not sleep with him more than twice on this last trip… she said “I am not a horn dog”….

She texted him and said she cannot talk anymore and will focus on our family and she canceled FB. She gave me full access to electronics.

OK so about 10 days have passed since I said I knew the OM name and 20 days since confirming A and 30 days since she retuned from home town.

Over the past 10 days, she answered all my questions about the A ( I do not like the answers or I do not understand why she would risk the marriage, but I guess our level of risk is different or she just did not think I would find out or just did not think….) I am doing my best to not analyze my W anymore on this topic.

She has shown remorse. She has said sorry, she feels bad, I am a better person than her, she feels ashamed, shameful, embarrassed. She cannot believe that she hurt me, “I thought to myself this man does not need this type of hurt in his life”

She hopes that I will look at her pretty close to the way I used to. This means she hopes will love her to the same level as before.

I ask her about missing the OM or something. She says she already decided that she would not see him again when she was on the trip. I just accelerated it or gave her an excuse to let the guy know they would not talk anymore…..

She is like the girl I knew 10 years ago…. I was not the best H and friend over the past few years…. so I own part of this. A couple of months ago, my W could be more unfriendly to me and I would need to do a lot of work to get her back. Now after the A, she is doing everything she can do to win me back. (I of course will continue to work on myself, be a better man, H and father)

It feels as though my W has totally closed the door on this A and the past year or so of us not getting along as good as we could have. In fact she now takes more ownership over the past year or so. Said she should have spoken up more. It is like she escaped a near death experience of a car wreck… it is all in the open now and I did not divorce her….She is happy.

Over the past week, we have been more intimate that we have been in years…. She is friendly with me and the kids than she has been in a year….If anyone can hit the reset button and get it together after a crisis I think it is my W, so I give her the benefit of the doubt here.

OK—I feel I will be the problem moving forward. Inside my head I have fears (mine is that will she love me for years to come and of course hers are will he love me today or soon)

We of course need some counseling to make sure we learn how to be a better couple and not bury any of this. Today, I feel like I need the C more…. It is hard for me to picture her being with another guy just one month ago or three months ago. In her mind it was minimal,the sex, she was using it as a salve for our R…. but for me, I picture the other guy on top of her of course. It is one thing to think about a boyfriend before you dated but another thing after you have been together for 16 years….. I am reading and watching some videos from experts in the field that help me view other perspectives on infidelity…. I think this will help with time. I do care about the lying etc…. but seem to care most about the sex….

Like Sandi said to me already. My focus at first was to get my W back and then I will have some resentment and I do and I am working on it. I did not do it the right way I think….but did not find this forum. I let her go back to her home town to find her way and had faith that she would return. (I was hoping I am not that bad of a guy)

One interesting thing. As we talked over the past few days, I shared with her that I knew something happened in June…but I did not have proof and you would need to hear proof to admit it. So I said, I let you go back so you could find out what you wanted…. She said “so you let me dangle out there on my own…” she said with a friendly tone but I heard some sadness of maybe how hard it was or how alone and isolated she was……. I said I did not have the skills back then to know what to do and I did not think you had the skills to listen to me….

My W appears to be happy to be home….she is not flirting etc, she is looking at me and kissing me like 10 years ago…

Now I have to learn how to deal with picturing another guy on top of her…(any comments even if I am stupid man here are appreciated.)
And understand it will take time….
Hello Steady9,

I'm so sorry for the situation you are in.

It is going to sound like an echo around here. Sweeping the A under the rug will have disastrous consequences if not dealt with properly. Healing from infidelity is a long process for both of you.

You are at a very fragile point in this relationship and it would be extremely helpful to know what your next move should be. Feel free to give me a call at 303-444-7004 to discuss how we can best help you determine what to do next.

Resource Coordinator
The Divorce Busting Center
I wanted to add--my imagination was much worse than the facts... I thought this guy must be great and the sex was often and all things occurred.... so hearing the info was helpful... ( I was already thinking about the sex)
Originally Posted By: Steady9
I wanted to add--my imagination was much worse than the facts... I thought this guy must be great and the sex was often and all things occurred.... so hearing the info was helpful... ( I was already thinking about the sex)

It often is far worse in our heads than it is in real life. Glad your situation is looking good. Keep focusing on you.
Also on the transparency side--she let me run her credit report. My W takes care of all the finances... so also checked all credit card history etc. All came back clean.
And she did not spend the night with him on any of these nights....
She has thanked me a couple of times for giving her another chance.
As I reflect back over the past year or so, my W was not as happy, friendly or something... Then when she went to her home town in early summer and then recently she was distant over the phone... She wanted us to move closer to her family and pushed for that over the past months... And she would be disrespectful in small ways...

OK so today, she is different, happy to be back home it appears. No longer pushes to move back closer to home, appreciates how happy the kids are in school here, appreciates our house, appreciates our town....Happy that I gave her a second chance.

Without me doing anything so to speak, my W is a new person or I should say the person I knew 10 years ago....

It would have been tough maybe to win my W back but by letting her go and see what life might be like with another or by letting her know I found about A (and obviously she feels she has now hurt me more than I have hurt her for example)... We have started again on friendly terms. Sex is everyday for 6 days in a row and intimate and better than it has been in years.

I am learning and practicing forgiveness, compassion and empathy. I am not good at this, and this is occurring in my head only. My W does not know I am working on it. I believe my W was lonely or isolated in some way unknown to me.... for months. And I accept my role in where we are. And all that being said, it is still tough for me today. When I look at her it is good sometimes, and then I see a liar, bold face lying, deceiving me over the past few months during and between her two trips to her home town.

The checking and watching will go on for some time.... I hate this part but know it needs to be done for some time.
All of this seems super quick. Doesn't feel right while reading. Tread carefully.
I know it is too fast from everything I have seen here. That is why I keep posting to stay aware. And I keep monitoring her electronics etc.

I am curious if anyone can comment on a range of WW.

Perhaps if it gets resolved quickly--people do not find this forum.....

But I need to learn... make my self better etc.
You are talking 3 weeks right? You knew 3 233&/ ago?

It took her a while I'm sure to get to the point t where she would toss the M to the trash and have an A. I just don't see how it could be remedied in 3-4 weeks.

Where the heck is sandi? smile
While i hope its true but it does send up a lot of red flags.

The problem now is you might drive yourself crazy with wondering if this is real or not which may actually harm any progress.

I suggest keep at it but also detach: as in not invest to much mentally and emotionally. Instead focus on you.
- your monitoring of electronics is for verification only not for snooping / spying.
- What are you doing to create a better version of yourself, focus on yourself cause if you keep focusing on her she will end up resenting you for it no matter how many books shes read.
- How is your GAL? Met up with your friends?met new friends? rekindle an old hobby? got new hobby?
I am restarting a hobby, used to play guitar and sing, ... so doing that, and-- running and lift weights. Still less talkative than the old days, I do not talk about work like I used to... but I am friendly. A few times in the past days, she simply asks what I am thinking about or something. One times said, not about me I hope.(and I think she meant, hoping I was not thinking negative thoughts about her). I simply said nope...

Taking some time off of the talking for a few days but today, my W described the past few months, like it was dream, not real, and then said, not to make light of it. She then said she will work to make it up to me and just wants to be together...She said, I won't let you down...
We talked for an hour tonight---I talked a little about the sex again of course, but in the context of what did this guy have that was worth a divorce. Did he have more money, better looking, fun friends, great lifestyle, etc.... I already knew the answers here (no for all of this)

She said it has nothing to do with this guy, it was destructive behavior in here, she points to her head. I have not brought up that the marriage is/was at risk when you sleep with someone else. This is a known way to break up a marriage. Why did you want a divorce.

Again, have not brought this up in a couple of weeks---she said the she just did not put it in that perspective, never thought we would be divorced.....
Do those things for your enjoyment. Its not about her, Its for you.
On this one--I share some ongoings--to see if others have seen similar behaviors....

In my case, my W and I appear to be getting along reasonably well now... and then after a week or so went by... I want to remind about the seriousness of the event--even though she say that she will not let me down.... when I bring up the idea that an A easily can result in a divorce... this seems to get her to rethink and talk some more... so we do not sweep under the rug... also I learn more about what she was thinking or "not" thinking at the time.

Before I read about WW, I had no idea that a W could just drift away, isolated, alone, or lost, and make poor decisions... and then maybe snap out of it (or the red flags like folks have suggested)
Someone whose further down the road will have to comment on that.

All i can say is that my W when caught seemed willing to work on M, saying she wants to earn trust back etc, said the right things but her actions never followed through and she became resentful of the transparency that she agreed to.

Turned out not too transparent in my case cause she still saw OM at her office.

Well we are separated now coming to 5 months. Shes overly nice to me, texts me when she out of town and buys me stuff but i genuinely think she just want to keep me on the hook as friends, I dont see any signs of fog lifting or whatever.
I think you both need to attend therapy to heal after an A. To be your own doctor could be risky. The more you occasionally ask her a question about A/OM, the more she will become agitated and will resent you. You deserve to have your questions answered, and she will oblige for awhile, but then will become touchy about it and want you to just get over it. It needs to be discussed, but you need a professional to guide. She may not know exactly how to answer some of your answers. The professional will know how to ask the right questions, and hopefully, your W won't retain resentment. There needs to be healing, or the MR just has a scab over the wound.

It does appear she is going faster than most, but it doesn't mean she's not sincere in wanting to save the M. Something may have happened that got her eyes opened. If she's not sincere, it will show soon enough. However, the A was not her root problem, and if the root is not treated, it will sprout again. That is why you need MC to work through these issues while she is willing to save the M.
Thanks Sandi--I can see the perspective about me asking too many questions and could lead to resentment.

My W told me a story of how she was bothered about how I interacted with her and my son at a basketball game....about a year ago... My son was nervous about playing and I was not supportive enough and too pushy. I had forgotten this story and she remembers it clearly... This must be one of the foundational stories that made her pull away from me. She did not talk to me about it with me .. until just yesterday.

I am planning to not ask anymore questions and in this exchange I was saying that I read that couples become distant over lack of communication or some things that happen causing a lack of closeness.

Of course I would have preferred she simply raise her hand and say I have a problem with this but instead she slept with someone.

I do think she was "trying" to end the A before I let her know I know.... But who knows how long they would have talked... What got her attention was me saying that I was prepared to divorce.... She did not understand how I went down that path so quickly, she was hoping that I would never find out and she would end it before I found out and we had a good foundation.... She said that after she had sex,,,, she felt bad and just hoped I would never find out about it....

Each day she spends time evidently thinking about what happened and how she hurt me.

She is happy that I am giving her a second chance.

Let her know it may be better for her or us to see a C versus us talking about it at this point, don't think I have any more questions.

It appears the sex is just not significant for my W (with the OM) in general, money is more important --meaning, she did not spend any money on this A and if I had an A, she seems to be "as" interested if I spent money on her and if she would win me over emotionally with time.... versus the sex.

I think my W is happy to be over this and back home....and will continue to monitor...

The answers she has provided have been helpful and I just struggle with the past 6 months of lying and the sex act itself. I am reading about forgiveness and letting go.... I think I can get there.

Again the most amazing thing is..... If my W is back to normal, the way she was 5 or 10 years ago, what an amazing thing. I evidently was not the best H by not being the best father at times and being as supportive as I needed to be and not mirroring my W feelings and thoughts..... and now with this A, all of my sins may be forgiven and we start over. Her A in her mind is a greater sin than my lack of skills as a father and H... Now she is being fantastic to me. And wants me to not D her and marry her again. (of course I needed to find out about the A and let her know I knew, or she would have buried it)

I am trying to get my head around it... but I think many people would say this is worth it. We were not mature enough to have a "conversation" before the A.... but hopefully this event will be an opportunity to form a better R moving forward.

More to come
Hi Steady,

I see your resentment gauge is climbing, please do hear the advice to talk to a professional. A MC is a must IMO. You need a guide to help YOU get over it. Money well spent IMO...
I wasn't suggesting you not discuss things. I just think a professional guiding the discussions would be much better than leaving it to yourselves.
Ok--thank you for the clarification sandi.

It was helpful to think I need to be mindful on how I approach my W on the discussion so that it does not lead to resentment, etc.

I think my W's eyes were opened by me sharing that I would let her go and later saying that when a person has an A it could easily lead to a divorce.... I think when she internalized that a divorce was a real out come of the A, it opened her eyes and then she thought about her "destructive behavior" (her words).

She said there was no plan.... for the A... and she just thought about the moment versus the future... and just hoped I never would find out...

She is thinking about the hurt it caused everyday she says and I would say her actions reflect it. (we are not talking about it every day... maybe every third day...)

I am working on understanding human behavior, being empathetic, not being arrogant because I have faults too.... In general today, I just have to get passed the "sex act" I think... The lying is bad.... but by having sex, you cross the finish line so toe speak, no chance to stop... But what I have learned from this forum.... is at least she came back home and is working on rebuilding process. So I remind myself that, at least she is here and we can talk and move forward. It would have been worse if she left forever.
My W went for walk with a neighbor, girlfriend today, and told her that she has been behaving poorly.. and that her and I were hitting the reset button on our relationship. Our neighbors had noticed that my W and I are were more close, holding hands or kissing or something during halloween get together. My W took the weight of the drop off in our relationship during this conversation with neighbor.

Is it unusual that a WW--would tell friend about "behaving poorly"??? seems interesting to me... also I would say would it is more light hearted versus being stressed. I know my W had been stressed out about the A.... but it seems like she is also trying to talk about it in a way to move forward.
Do not get into overanalysing everything, that can lead into analysis paralysis. Not everything can or should be dissected.

Did you decide on an MC?
Can you give some marital history? What has your W been like, during the M?
My W has been supportive and nice for most of our 15 years. I was recently divorced with two young kids when we met, 17 years ago. She helped me with my other two kids and supported me as I got used to seeing them less over the years. My job has me moved us around, and she has been supportive in the moving to different states. She has a BS degree and we met at work but since then ( she was 28 or so) has not worked and been a stay at home mom raising our two kids who are now 14 and 12. She has been great. She has pride in the way our house and cars look. She even takes care of the lawn and pool.
We never yell at each other. But i have been disrespectful more than I realized. I have said, "idiots" under my breath or in another room, and my W had heard me....I think these types of things got in the way and we were not mature enough to talk about it over the past year and it just wore on her. We or I always felt we had the best marriage of the people we know....We are friendly, fun, have sex regularly.... but the past year has been off...Although I was late noticing it.

About a year or maybe even longer, I can now see that we were not as close. She might say small disrespectful things and also I learned recently that she was unhappy with the way I was supporting my son. We still were having sex on a regular basis. I have learned some over the recent talks we have had. Even today we read through "Rebuilding your marriage after infidelity 101" on the goasksuzie website together. And talked about how we can discuss and take action on these ideas. She is very willing to do and just happy I am giving her a second chance. Today she said, "I am asking you to help me or support me during this time and I know I did a very bad thing..." but hoping that all the years of supporting me would be enough for me to give her this second chance. And by talking I could see there were some behaviors on my side that caused her to drift away, although she says she never stopped loving me ... even over the past few months....
I have always described my W and I think she would as well as tough, strong, and not dramatic. She keeps things inside to some extent but also not afraid to speak her mine. I have always said she is more mature than me... but recently I would say that is not the case. She is still a little girl at times. She shows love by servicing.... She has always bought me more clothes than I can wear. She enjoys the new dog we have, unconditional love I think it was that means. In our marriage, we have had a few times where we spoke very little for 1-2 days. This is what my W would do when she was upset with me. Looking back, she might not show her feelings very well. She is not a talker. In our old house, we finished a basement together. She likes the fact that I can be a white collar worker.... but also fix the house and the cars.

I am surprised how hard it is for me to answer this question Sandi.... I never thought we had any real issues in our M..... I thought we were fine. And now today, she looks at me like she used too.... and not it feels like we split up for 6 months (although I did not know it,...) and now she is back to normal, like 10 years ago normal.
Well, she doesn't seem to fit the usual WW patern.......that I have seen. For one thing, a W becomes wayward b/c disrespect and resentment has continued to grow in her heart, eventually coming out in some form of rebellion. Therefore, a lot of work is required for her to get back to the woman you once knew.

At this point, I don't recall her reason/excuse to be unfaithful. I don't know of anyone who "plans" on having an affair, and most will say things like, "It just happened. I didn't mean for it, but it did". I could even understand if she was terribly sad/unhappy. But if she was, she must have been covering, or you are one blind dude! What I am trying to say is that these puzzle pieces don't seem to naturally fit together. I get the sense you may be forcing them a little.

I know you have talked, read, etc., but what has truly been accomplished to get you where you are now? Has any layers of disrespect and resentment been resolved? I don't know what additional issues she may have had about you/MR, but I have serious doubts she could switch in ten days, into this happy W you say you are seeing. It just doesn't happen (genuinely) that way with a wayward.

So..........are you seeing what you want to see? Is there something you are holding back?

Who would you say wore the pants in your MR? Who was more the caretaker of the MR? Were you more dominate, or your W? Would you fregrently catch your W in lies? Was it important to her that other people saw you as the perfect couple? Who was the sensitive spouse? When she talked, did you really "hear" what she was saying? When you had disagreements, what were usually the main topics?

Can you tell us anything about her childhood, as far as something that could have an impact on her later? Any life altering experiences, like being assaulted, raped, losing a close loved one in death, being abandoned, or anything you remember anyone saying about her younger years?

I don't mean to throw you with these questions. I'm just trying to figure something out.
Besides saying disrespectful things "under your breath", were there other things that you know contributed to the breakdown in the MR?
sandi--she has a hard time coming up with words... but she said she was detached from me.... I asked her if she thought I knew that... and she said no, she keeps things to herself. She hugged me less. She became detached from me as a slow process over the past year or so. I talked about changing jobs, she was not seeing her family enough, I was happy at work and then not happy at work, etc..... I suggested to her that I was stupid for not seeing it... and she let me off the hook by saying she kept it inside.

She said that she had made up her own mind during her recent trip back home. She was going to get closer to me when she got back, and I just sped things along by letter her know I knew about A and I was ready to let her go.

I feel as though some of the other reasons were, she did not think anyone would know, she felt valued by helping this guy by listening to him complain about his situation and she was bored.... These are my words.

Today she seems to realize that she owns those feelings that led to detachment and she should have spoke up. That is part of the letter she sent to me. My W historically keeps things to herself and tries to work them out. She is immature that she does not want to appear weak.... so she does some immature behaviors to appear tough, like keep things inside. She appears to be maturing on this front over the past weeks.
Oh on the other questions
I wear the pants
She is the caretaker
No one is dominate
Never knew her to be a liar until now
we do not care what others think....
hmmm I think I am more the sensitive one... but recently I see she is as sensitive and just kept it to herself... I have realized I did not know her as well as I thought, but she was hiding some parts.
No bad childhood issues. Her parents were poor when she was younger...
Certainly it is frustrating to realize she was detached but kept it to herself.... There are somethings she said that I have thought about that I can do better. Be more patient with my son and be more present. I have started doing better three months ago after I felt she started the A while on the first trip. And I will continue.

I do think it is more planned, i told her today that the exchange of texts with someone she did not know since the 8th grade, got more serious leading to June trip and then you saw him for coffee and then saw him for sex. And you never told me. This was planned. I know it is not about this guy and only about my W. (guy was a loser, ugh )

I am focusing on changing my emotional response and not using the word "should"... although it is hard. I did proactively try to do the right things over the past few months to win her back... and it worked so far... so trying to feel good about that and not a victim.
I'll be honest it sounds like you are convincing yourself everything is going awesome and i hope it does/will. What i dont hear is concrete actions. A lot of analysis on your part and observing and mind reading.

Did you try for an MC/IC as the others have suggested.
No C yet
Not trying to mind read or analyze, my intent is to share something on this forum for input. I do my best to share the facts I know and then interpret the rest. My W has answered a lot of questions... but also seems to not fully know what happened. Or why. Simply detached or not close to me and that I would not find out and she wanted to do it on those five days, and then felt bad hoping I would never find out...
I asked her what she got out of it... and she does not know. What was missing in our M and she said nothing... that is what she said....

On the concrete actions, we are using ideas from the goasksuzie website... we went on a picnic date today for example. And we are not taking about A everyday...

My analysis is that she is just hoping I will get past it.... When I told her that I knew for three months... and I kept it to myself because I did not have the facts and I knew she would lie and deny... That is why I worked out so much this summer. I am in great shape now which she can see and she knows I was working out like crazy.... She feels terrible and cannot believe I kept that in... she feels bad I had to carry that. But she admits she would have lied. So I let her go back to her home town to find out what she needed to find out.... This is before I found this forum. And then I got the data and facts I needed to confront her, which I did. She was not in love with this guy or anything. I think she just did it like she was single again and did what she wanted... (my analysis) But she said to me that she was never going to see him again and was ending it.(it is a plane flight)

All comments welcome and helpful to me.
One more thing on Sandi topic

--I think that she felt like she wore the pants recently in the relationship... Like she decided if she was happy or would hug me or would send me a heart emoji... because I was always sending hearts and nice things... but she was not doing this as much as me... so she was wearing the pants here.

So when she came back and I said I was letting her go..... And over the next few days continued with this message and then let her know that I knew about A... then she realized I had the power... and she did not want me to leave her....

Not so much as a mean person IMO. But as a child IMO.
To be honest, you've busted your divorce so continuing on sites like any of these marriage-savers might actually be detrimental to the continued rebuilding of your M. In the grand scheme of things in this wicked world we live in today, you came away pretty lucky. Count your blessings on that won. Be the leader your family, and wife, needs. Make sure to water the grass in your life regularly or it'll start to look greener elsewhere. Set boundaries for relationship with your wife and both of you adhere to them.

If you forgive her for this then you have to really forgive her. It can't be brought up again later, it can't be held over her in any way. If she is a good person then she's punishing herself far more than you ever would anyway.

Let me ask, are you a person of faith? If so then take any residual anger, resentment, etc. from all this and surrender it to the big guy. Give the burden to God and he'll scrub it all from your heart. I was never much of a religious guy myself but I did this after my wife's affair. I forgave her and gave the burden of the rage over it to God and fortunately he took it. Today we're more in love than we've ever been. There is no resentment in our household. There are no secrets in our household. I am the leader of my family. Emotional leader, financial leader, and spiritual leader. I will love, honor, and cherish my wife until my last breath.

I think you're heading a good direction in your life journey. Keep it up and count your blessings.
Originally Posted By: Steady9
No C yet
Not trying to mind read or analyze, my intent is to share something on this forum for input. I do my best to share the facts I know and then interpret the rest. My W has answered a lot of questions... but also seems to not fully know what happened. Or why. Simply detached or not close to me and that I would not find out and she wanted to do it on those five days, and then felt bad hoping I would never find out...
I asked her what she got out of it... and she does not know. What was missing in our M and she said nothing... that is what she said....

On the concrete actions, we are using ideas from the goasksuzie website... we went on a picnic date today for example. And we are not taking about A everyday...

My analysis is that she is just hoping I will get past it.... When I told her that I knew for three months... and I kept it to myself because I did not have the facts and I knew she would lie and deny... That is why I worked out so much this summer. I am in great shape now which she can see and she knows I was working out like crazy.... She feels terrible and cannot believe I kept that in... she feels bad I had to carry that. But she admits she would have lied. So I let her go back to her home town to find out what she needed to find out.... This is before I found this forum. And then I got the data and facts I needed to confront her, which I did. She was not in love with this guy or anything. I think she just did it like she was single again and did what she wanted... (my analysis) But she said to me that she was never going to see him again and was ending it.(it is a plane flight)

All comments welcome and helpful to me.

Hello Steady9,

Little compares to the devastation people feel when they discover their spouse has been unfaithful. Couples often struggle to get past intense emotional pain, mistrust, resentment and never ending arguments about the betrayal.

Sweeping everything under the rug and hoping it all gets better isn't the best way to approach this situation. Healing from infidelity is achievable for both of you with the right support and tools.

You are at a very fragile point in this relationship and it would be extremely helpful to know what your next move should be. Feel free to give me a call at 303-444-7004 to discuss how we can best help you determine what to do next.


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The Divorce Busting Center
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