Posted By: june72 Suggested Books in Newcomers - 03/29/10 04:03 AM
I started a thread entitled "Suggested Books" in Newcomers. I would love a comprehensive book list. (Probably the former librarian in me-haha!) So please post what has been most helpful for you if you wish. I think if would be helpful to many on this message board.

Original Post on Newcomers...
Hey all,
I often see suggestions of books that are good for a troubled marriage or spiritual growth or personal insight. I write them down here or there and always intend to look them up in the library or purchase a few but has yet to do it. I bet many would like a list of what books really helped others.

I would love an evolving "Master List" of sorts. If people could post a book they found helpful a possible subject it would fall under ie. affairs, or self-esteem, etc. and maybe their personal comments on the book I would love it!

After a few posts I or anyone (since this is for all) could list the title and author by subject lists. And then with more additional posts the "Master List" can be continually updated.

So people please list those books!!!! smile
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